After we dropped the moving truck off the other day, we just happened to be close to one of my very favorite thrift stores so I just had to see what they never know what you'll discover to repurpose!
I remembered that they always had tons of patterns for sale and that they didn't sell well. Seems as though not too many folks sew any more or most of these patterns are out of style. Well, I found out that they were only ten cents each!!! I ended up buying about 3.00 worth.
Not that I'm going to make all of these things, they are going to be repurposed.
After receiving a package from Rowann of Antiques in Old Town where the goodies that I purchased from her were all wrapped safely in pattern tissue, I've decided to stock pile them and use them in the same way!! When I sell my artwork, I will wrap it in this wonderful tissue for safe shipping!! I also love to have it on hand to work into my artwork sometimes as well ~

Remember these little birds from Target? They are sold in the Christmas section as an ornament but I loved the look of them and wanted to transform them just a little. They had a wire loop on their backs and I tried to cut them off but ended up with a couple of tiny wire nubs that were annoying.
I pulled out my lovely feather collection and began adding sweet wings to this little guy! I also feathered his nest just a little and will soon going to be gluing him into a jar ~

I need to add a few elements to the inside of the jar ~

My goodness, only ten days until Christmas! What in the world happened to this month?? Now that the kids are settled in, my thoughts turn back to finishing up our shopping and getting ready for our Christmas gatherings. My cold is finally beginning to go away....just a little thing like that can make you appreciate your good health, can't it? We definitely take it for granted ~ as busy as you may be this holiday season, try to take good care of yourself and get plenty of rest!!!
Wishing you a wonderful Monday sweet friends!
xxoo, Dawn
Good job blinging up the cute bird. Glad you're feeling better! Have a merry Christmas!
I love wrapping and packaging with old patterns! Gives them such a unique look! And the little bird with the new wings is so adorable! You are so creative always amazes me!
Thanks for the birthday wishes! ;)
Wow Dawn more great ideas! I am currently looking for "vintage" patterns to make my little dress coats-10.cents-wow what a deal! Wish I could find a deal like that around here! Lovin the sweet birdie-the finishing touches were the perfect solution I think! Glad you are feeling better-there really isn't anything like having your health. Have a great week friend!
Big Giant Smiles~Tam!
Your ideas never cease to amaze me!
What a fabulous birdie idea! And love the pattern tip, too!
your little birds look so sweet Dawn!!! great idea for wrapping gifts again...keep it coming...i will try to remember all of these wonderful ideas for next year...i have oodles of wrapping paper that i am trying to get rid of this year...i will be more creative next year...
Dawn, the little birdie looks so much nicer with your touches!
Yesterday in an old magazine I picked up there was a picture of a rose made from old pattern tissue! It looked like they had just cut long strips of it, scalloped the edges on one side and then began to wrap it around itself, crimping it all together and then spreading out the scalloped edge.
Hope this makes sense. was lovely because of the delicate tissue and the tan color. Add a few leaves and some glitter and viola! A very vintage and feminine looking package topper!
THAT was quite a find! .10 cents each! You go, girl!
Your birds as so sweet and I love their new feathers!
Thanks for a great idea about the patterns. I'm not a seamstress ('sewer' looks stinky); so, I would never have thought of a use for patterns other than what they are. I would love to walk through a store with you and just hear all your unique thoughts about items!
Glad your cold is receding!
Morning Dawn! Just beautiful! Funny I have two salt/pep shakers from Target of little birds I was thinking of adding a hanging wire to and here you are cutting wire off! I wished I had made a trip to Target for some of these cuties! Love how you added the feathers; perfect finishing touch! Love your ideas! Have a great week - Sincerely, Jeannette
That is so sweet; the little bird in the nest. How charming.
These birds are adorable- what a GREAT idea! They are sooo cute!
And the old patterns- what a lucky find! I always use Burda and Simplicity to sew some prettiness for me to wear... loooove those old- fashioned outfits!!
But I think you will make them justice anyway!! ;)
Monica x.
What a great idea Dawn, have to look for patterns too,-but it dosnt come easy here on my little island.
Your little fat bird is so sweet in its nest.
Hope everything are great in your household,good to hear you are feeling well again, and i hope the little family can relax a bit.
Hugs from Dorthe
Darling little birdie! I hope you will have time to drop by and see my Dawn inspired table top tree! Thanks for always have a breath of inspiration here at your wonderful nest!
Dawn, what you did with the little Target bird is awesome! I bought one myself the other day (a red one) to put inside this very tiny little bird cage I found at Salvation Army Thrift store for a buck.
You really took your little bird to the next level with the feathers and nest!
I would have never thought of adding real stinkin cute!!!Laurie
I have a great affection for small, plump birds. The feathers add such charm to these sweet fellows.
Blessings to you and yours.
Kay Flynn-The Wrought Iron Gate
Love the feathery touches to the little bird! Too sweet!
Thanks Dawn ~ now I know why I've saved all my sewing patterns over the years! I knew there was a good reason for it! : )
Dawn, You never cease to amaze me! That little bird is so much cuter as
the feathered friend in the jar that you made him. Wonder if Goodwill has any cute ceramic birds i can play with! =0)
Glad you are feeling better. Yes, we do take out good health for granted.
Sometimes in the morning when i walk i just thank the Lord for the use of all my limbs, and senses, and everything. Sounds corny I guess, but i am so grateful for each day.
Oh, the patterns: I was in a little store and they used the packet part for bags when someone purchased a card.
I thought that was so cute!! Wrapping is a great idea, and I just happen to have a few patterns laying around.
Now follow your own advice and rest and take care of yourself. =)
So sweet! I've got to start thinking bigger. Hmmm...
Gosh Dawn.....I just wish I could get into that creative head of yours for just one day...woohoo...would I have fun! When Sharon showed me the patterns you wrapped her items in...well...needless to say we are on the search...Love that you share-it is so special. Love, Judy
what a cute idea.
You are a true inspiration! Hope you are doing great!
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