Something wonderful arrived in the mail the other day.....a precious gift from Elizabeth at Home Musings ~ she has such a sweet spirit. She gifted me the most wonderful little girl's dress and a silver baby bowl! Upon closer inspection, I realized it was a Campbell's Kids bowl!! I just love it Elizabeth...I will use the little bowl with our new little granddaughter.....
You know me so well sweet friend!

I remembered I had a few boxes of children's books in the closet of my artroom and decided to look through them the other night. I found so many wonderful books that I'd collected that will be the perfect beginning of a little library for our granddaughter!! I've collected them as I love the illustrations! I feel like, if I would have finished college, as I was going to major in art, that this is what I would have been, a children's book illustrator ~ I admire them all so much ~
I discovered this tiny book illustrated by one of my very favorites, Jessie Wilcox Smith ~ just look at how beautiful they are ~

Well, I finished the nest assemblage!!! And the taking of the photographs too! Now I just need to edit the photos, add step-by-step instructions and compile them into a document suitable for the Lessons from The Nest....I'm so pleased with how this one came out. A perfect project, with images included, to start learning how to create an assemblage.

Can you even believe that it's November 19th?? I remember as a child, the days slowing eeeking by...just waiting for the Christmas holiday break ~ it was such a wonderful time for us kids.
We didn't have much money when I was growing up but there was one thing for certain, our Christmas' were always magical, my parents made sure of that ~ and always full of love.
Wishing you have a wonderful Wednesday sweet friends!
xxoo, Dawn
Your nest assemblage... It's beautiful....
Love your assemblage, Dawn! Wonderful work! :o)
Dawn dear , its so wonderfull , i totally love your nature art work.
Lots of hugs and love -Dorthe
You always put a gentle smile on my face - and today is no different. Love the book and the artwork- children's books are amazing! And you nest? What could be more lovely? I am soo glad you will be having a wonderful little girl to dress, teach, play with and learn from..yes..they can teach us so much! Have a wonderful day, my friend!
Dawn -
You posted a photo of an old button card on Abbie's site. I'm wondering if you are willing to sell it? I've been looking for one just like this to give to my mom for Christmas. Of you don't want to sell please let me know where I might could locate one like yours. My email address is
DAwn , yes the days are flying by !!
I need them to slow down a little . Oh i love children's books also -- The other day I found "The secret garden " at goodwill -- I love it - kathy - ga
Love the dress and the silver bowl is precious! Lovely artwork as usual.
The assemblage is wonderful! Guess what? I was finally able to get copies of Somerset Life and Somerset Studio! Your art work and articles are wonderful! Have a great day!
Your grandbaby is one lucky little girl to have you as her Mimi! What a beautiful life she will lead with you at her side. We are all blessed to have you in our lives. Your sharing, caring, heart is truly a gift you give us all year not just at Christmas. Thank you dear Dawn
Well, I've always wanted to be a children's book author. If I ever get a book written, I will let you illustrate it! I just showed a Heidi book over on my blog. I also fell in love with it because of the illustrations.
Dawn, what generous gifts! :-)
The book is adorable. I also like Bessie Pease Gutmann's illustrations.
And your assemblage! Wow! You just make every single one of them so lovely.
Dawn that is just beautiful
That is lovely!
Jessie Willcox Smith is such a favorite for so many of us. I love looking at her work. My niece used to sit for hours looking at a book I had purchased of Smith's work. I like to think that it is one of the reasons for my niece's choosing art as a vocation.
You are collecting charming, wonderful things for this new babe. I know that you're having fun and can only imagine the Christmases at your house!
I love the little dress and illustrations by Jessie Wilcox Smith. Thanks for sharing. Your box is beautiful also.
Something new again today!! Thank you for keeping your blog so interesting, and for all your beautiful things.
I'm excited to order my Christmas pack from your tutorial.
Hi Dawn
Love your assemblage.. anything with birds, nests and eggs are just my favorite things.. thanks for sharing with us and the bowl with ''umm good'' is so cute I have never seen one like it..
hugs, Patty
what sweet gifts...the cambell's soup bowl...too dang cute, i love that face...hee hee...your nest assemblage is just gorgeous Dawn!!! you have such a way of taking simple elements, combining them with a little bit of magic, and transforming them into something wonderful that is far beyond the sum of it's is very inspirational
Hi, Dawn! I'm so glad that you like the baby dress and bowl. The bowl looks shiny and almost new!
I also love the illustrations, but most of all the shadow box you made. Boy, you are so talented with such an eye for beauty.
Sweet Dawn,
Please slip over to my little nest when you have a minute. I tried your tutorial for printing on material. It is SOOOO AWESOME!!!!! Thank you Thank you little Bloglandian sister!!! :c)
Pattie :c)
Mazatlan Mexico
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