When I first started blogging and creating a few art pieces I received a wonderful email one day. The email was from Linda, the owner of Willow Nest! For those that don't know, Linda and her husband Ludmil had a beautiful place up in the northwest where they had amazing antique shows called Willow Nest Farm. They would have the shows right on their property! Her home was featured several times in magazines and her taste is just beautiful. Well, she complimented my artwork and suggested that I send some into Somerset for publication. They now live in Texas and have opened a beautiful store featuring all the things that they love.
I'll never forget her encouraging words to me. Sometimes all we need is just a sweet word to push us. A compliment to give us confidence. I appreciate her taking the time to contact me and give me that assurance I needed at the time. You just never know what kind of influence your kindness has on someone ~ Thank you so much Linda!
Both photographs below courtesy of Willow Nest

A gift image for you ~ speckled eggs that I printed onto sheet music!
Click to enlarge, then right click to save ~
xxoo, Dawn
Thanks for the pretty image ~ I wish I had enough time to use all the treasures you share!
Now I'm off to visit your friend, Linda....
A kind word is never wasted...... Amen to that!
You were one of the first few to offer me encouragement when i started my blog earlier this year. I really appreciated it. Thank you for your kindness! And thanks for always sharing such lovely freebies with us!
Oh Dawn... A kind word and time spend giving it is a wonderful thing.... I would love to see everyone be more concerned as the holidays approach to do this for one another and lest time spend on lavish gift giving that will only cause hardships... Kindness and encouragement is wonderful medicine for the rich and the poor.
I remember seeing that couple in magazines!! I thought it was so neat that they share the same passion for old beautiful things. I'm so glad you've found them.
Thank you for sharing the sheet music image. It's beautiful.
Thank you for encouraging me by your every visit. Your nest is feathered with wonderful friends, I'm off to visit one of them through your link. Have a great day!
Thanks for the lovely images! I have been to Willow Nest but never the blog, I'm off to visit... thanks!!
I know what you mean, Dawn. You never know how far a kind word will travel in someone's life.
I love the birds' eggs music! Thank you!
Kindness matters! And, isn't it great when we encourage each other? Women aren't nearly as competitive as our reputations for being so...we are a sisterhood and kind words are our motto! Love coming to read your blog...so much fun!
Thanks for the great image...I love it!
Dawn- I just love the images you share- so much that I have a seperate folder on my computer called "Feathered Nest Clip Art". Thanks so much!
thanks for all the wonderful freebies!!
“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”
~Lao Tzu quotes
Your words ar so true. If it were not for you I would have never submitted ANYTHING to Somerset. I never thought that my talents compared to the artists I see in Blogland. Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement. You are a sweetie and truly blessed me with all your kindness. Blessings...Sherry
Thank YOU for your kind words on my lollishops page, you are so sweet!
And I've enjoyed Willow Nest's slide show several times now, so inspirational.
Thank you my friend :).
Truer words were never spoken...a word of encouragement at the right time can make the difference between hope and despair. I'm off to follow your link to Linda.
Dawn I watched the vidio wow so many beautiful things makes me want to change my decor maybe I will :) and thank-you for the lovely image so very kind of you .
have a good day
We are so blessed to have L&L in Texas now. I was fortunate enough to attend her open house and she was gracious in letting me take photos for my blog. It was a delight to post such beautiful things. Yours was such a lovely and heartfelt post. Debbie
oh I love those clothes.I'm gonna copy
thanks for the gift
come visit any time
fondly, deena
I love Willow Nest !! They used to have a booth at Canton Texas and I looked forward to visiting every month ~ LOVE there treasures !!
I am so excited they opened a shop !!
They are the sweetest people. They did a show here in town and I had the opportunity to see their wonderful merchandise (truly magical) and to meet them. They are adorable. Have seen them again at Canton and they are just the sweetest. I'm hoping to be able to make it to Burton and see the shop in person. The slide show is awesome!
I always love coming to see you sweetie. You are the best. xo lidy
How right your words are about encouragement. I remember when I first started painting items for sale a lady who's work I admired greatly actually made a purchase from me. I wrote her and told her how much it meant to me to have her make that purchase. She wrote me back a long e-mail with very encouraging words, sometimes the only thing keeping a person going at that time is a kind word. No one ever knows what a tiny little kindness can mean to another.
Oh, Dawn. I will so love using your gift-of-the-day. I love birds too and will enjoy this.
Love the sheet music and the photos of the shop. I could get lost in a shop like that!
Thank you for the BEAUTIFUL gift image...LOVE IT~
Would you mind if I added you to my friends & favorite list? I love to visit~ such a nice break from the busy day.
Wishing you all the best...
Dawn, that is so true, A kind word is never wasted.
It means so much to people when others are kind. You have a gift of being kind, and I mean that from the heart.
xoxo Nita
Wow! So amazing how the smallest actions can do so much! Must go check out her blog...
Love the eggs on sheet music!
You are a true angel with so much knowledge, kindness and Love to spread. Thanks for being my "Linda". I will always remember your encouraging words.
Blessings and Hugs,
Oh Dawn, you are so right. A kind word can make all the difference on any day in our lives and we remember them as treasures.
Do you know I love to just come here and look at the photographs, the serenity and listen to the music? Soothes my weary soul ♥
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