I do love buttons. I try to use them in my artwork as much as I can. They are little pieces of artwork all by themselves! Some are just beautiful. Some are simply functional. But all are wonderful in my book.
Abbie of Button Floozies has declared this week International Button Week so I had to share this neat page from an old Victoria magazine that I'd saved. See the adorable buttons on the plate? They're cookies! I love the painted face buttons too ~

Whose clothes did you adorn?
Have you traveled the world over?
How many years were you worn?
If only you could tell the tale
Of how you've come so far.
Through years of being sewn and stitched
and into my button jar.
and into my button jar.
Wishing you a wonderful Monday sweet friends!!
xxoo, Dawn
Hi Dawn ~
I love buttons too ~ especially creams, whites, browns, pinks and greens! Oh really ~ I love them all!
It's nice to imagine where they've been before. Your little poem says it so well!
Sweet Daw, and a poet you are too, what a wonderfull little poem you created.
I have to ask you if its possibel to save it and maybe use it some day with one of your tutorials ?
Have to see if i can join the international BUTTON week, its a wonderfull idea-only im soooo busy.
A wonderfull monday to you too sweet friend.
Love Dorthe
what a sweet ode to buttons Dawn!!! i love them too:)
I've always loved those button cookies in Victoria magazine...so cute with a cup of tea!
What a sweet little poem. I love buttons, too. I've collected them for years and now I'm getting to use some of them. I can't get enough. But I'm very frugal and buy only ones that have a low price. Sometimes I've found real treasures in someone's cast-away button box. I enjoy all of the extras that come in the button box, too. Mixed media art allows use of everything0--how fun!
Hey Dawn!
Beautiful Buttons, Precious Poem!
Oh, I love the sweet little button poem. And, oh do I like buttons! I am always amazed at the many unique buttons. There is just something about sorting through an old jar of buttons......
so yummy! I love buttons also! I have some that belonged to my grandmother that just sit in a jar...I can't bare to use them! :)
What a sweet poem! You're multi-talented, Dawn. I had such great fun visiting Button Floozies last night...simply delicious time spent.
What a sweet poem, Dawn. That would be so cute on a tag hanging from a button jar. I've thought about that as I've looked through my Grandmother's button jar over and over and wondered what outfit they belonged on or how old they were.
Oh how I love me some buttons...I am a collector and have been ever since I used to watch my grandmother re-purpose old buttons off of discarded clothing. She was the ultimate recycler...she even used the outfits that were too worn out to wear...she would cut them up and use the good scraps of fabric in her quilts. I have the sweetest pillow and baby blanket (knitted) that a friend made and gave to me at a family shower before our daughter was born...the buttons on the pillow are off one of her daughters little outfits....I love that pillow and those sweet little buttons...so pearly, so sweet and simple...yes, buttons...I love them!
I LOVE your sweet poem...how true it rings to my ears! Love it! WOW!! Yet another talent you possess! You continue to amaze me...with your goodies and now with the written word...I should have known.
Have a blessed week...
Love buttons! What a sweet post...have a great week! Jackie
Oh I love buttons too! I keep them in jars just to look at. I have a difficult time using them because I just want to look at them. I have sew some onto a quilt wallhanging. I have the very same picture from Victoria Magazine. I took it to a cooking class once to have the teacher show me how to decorate them the same.
I adore buttons too...but you already knew that! I could spend hours sorting through them all and being amazed at their beauty! I especially love white buttons all grouped together like you have in the jar!
I love your poem. You ALWAYS amaze me at your talents. I had to put it away in my file with you name on it. You need to do something with that. There's an idea...your next submission to Somerset!!! You blessed my day...Sherry
Love your sweet button rhyme! When my daughter & I look through our tins, jars, boxes, etc. of buttons~ we tell tales of what the buttons may have seen, who's shirt they traveled the town on...bumping across old wash boards etc. LOVE the way you put the lines together! Thank you for sharing~
Hi Dawn,
I am back and wanted to pop in and see what you have been up to. I a thrilled that you liked your little "wish" gift. It is always so intimidating to create for another artist. I found two bags of buttons on a recent flea market trip, my favorite kinds, mixed bags of shell and bone buttons in all those creamy colors and worn textures. I almost chortled with glee at finding to large bags for $3.00!
Love your little button poem! I have loved buttons since I was a child! ~Mandy
Stop over at my blog to see the jewelry I made from buttons. Love them.
I love your poem, it wonderful! You amaze me with all your talent. I love buttons too. I keep mine in an vintage overnight case. Love to get into it and admire all the beautiful shapes and colors. They are art in themselves. Thank you so much for sharing your poem.
DAWN- Just stopping by to wish you a happy BUTTON WEEK!!! Your art is lovely- I don't do collage or mixed media but I truly love the look of it! I am hopelessly addicted to stitching! :)
Have a great week!
Love your poem! Is the photograph of the button cookies from an issue of the original Victoria magazine? What a great idea to have a Button Week!
Hi, Dawn!
I am decorating white and cream in my bedroom. I use to think the two didn't go together, but they look pretty together. So...I'm going to put white and cream Christmas decorations in there.
I'm starting to feel in a holiday mood...
I saved that magazine too....and even went as far as calling the New York Bakery that made them to see the price....OH MY GOODNESS !! Love your poem....sweet as you!! Judy
BUTTONS ! WHAT A LOVELY POEM.....Gurl you continue to give me smiles....my grandmother left me her button box in the will....to me, that was worth more than any inheritance I could have been blessed with. As a young child, we would make little biscuits cut from the OJ can and my job was to take a straw and punch two holes in the biscuit tops...that was the birth of "button biscuits". My daughter and I bake "button biscuits" to sell each year at her Girl Scout Bake Sale. The tags are adorned with little buttons. We always have a complete sale out !
Carol in NC
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