To a sweet friend of mine, Tammy Cottrell. I have known Tammy and her husband, James for 20 years now. We met in my art class during my short stint in college! They found one another in that class plus Dennis and I were the best man and matron of honor at their wedding.
Dennis went to school with James as well.
To make a long story short, they both are INCREDIBLY talented artists. Tammy is a floral designer by trade, but when she and her husband combine their talents and their love of old, this is the wonderful work they produce! Please visit Tammy in her Etsy store and tell her I sent you!!
Love you Tammy!!!
These pieces are fashioned from old salvaged beadboard and other woods. They've combined beautiful old bottles, plates and other items, plus sweet verses and words to create
Today is very cloudy and rain is on the way. We might even be getting storms from what the weatherman says. Just wanted to give you a peek at what's in the slow cooker for tonight ~ pot roast with carmelized onions & herbs! Yum.
I hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday ~
xxoo, Dawn

Wish I was there, supper looks good!! I've always really loved those peices of art work, and I've always wondered who did them. I will take a look at her store. How are ya'll doing?
2 Things: First, I LOVE those! They are sooooo cute. AND, second, it is entirely too cruel to show me food that looks THAT yummy because it is still way too early in AZ to even be close to thinking about dinner yet :-)
Have a blessed day!
Dang...that pot roast looks GOOD! Wish it was here. LOL. Tammy does cute things too.
Again, your generosity and love for our Lord shines through when you share another artist's work. And yes, they are items I would love to own, too! Your supper looks yummy! My sweet man is working the 3-11 shift, so we have just finished cubed steak, field peas, and wild rice! It was too good~my meal for the day ;) Have a beautiful day, sweet friend I've yet to meet~
Fabulous artwork! Love it!
And I just noticed the pic of your "Little Ellie"...omgoodness too cute!!!
I just read about your son and his license. My 16.5 year old just got his license too. He is the 5th child we taught to drive. Isn't it amazing how we pray for these kids when they start to drive. I am sooo sorry to hear of the kids your family knows who lost their lives...Truly sorry. May God protect your son as he takes yet another step into his adulthood and keep him very safe!
Now to check out your recommended blog.
I love the art! So creative.
Mmmmmm, your pot roast looks delish!
Your art-work frames are lovely. I love verses!
Dawn, your friends art~work is amazing...i bet you could guess that my favorite is the one with the tiny shoes:) so pot roast looks very yummy...i really need to get a slow cooker!!!
Great artwork...incredibly clever! I so admire you gals who are thinking "out of the box" as they say.
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