Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I just have to show you these sweet finds!

The other day when I took my tiny little pile of things to Antique Griffin I found these amazing treasures and just have to share them with you! Can. you. believe. this. fairy. book?????????? Dear sweet Lady Em, if something happens to me, it's all yours, you know that right??

Crumbling, pages falling out, but such a beautiful sight to me! I will not be using the original pages in my artwork only color copies and scans, as a matter of fact I will give away one later on in the week, OK? But just look at the copyright date!

I found this amazing little set of old keys ~ love them!

And this door plate, too! (I'm not sure if that's what it's called)

And look at this precious butterfly book!! Has condition issues but do you think I care? :)

This is the inside of the book. Do you notice details like this like I do? What a beautiful pattern ~

Look at the typefaces, gorgeous!

And now, look. at. the. illustrations!!!! I've pictured the prettiest ones. There aren't a lot, but the ones that are in it are so sweet to me.

And last but not least a sweet little book filled with small sheet music!

OH! And you may already have seen these beauties but I was at Target Saturday (total mad house) and saw this beautiful display of Shabby Chic goodies for sale! I did find the shoe organizers too, only 7.99 ~ not a bad price at all!

I hope I didn't blow your computer up with all of these photos ~ hope you're having a wonderful day!


Charmingdesigns said...

OOOOH the books!! Lovely! Love your photos!! Cant wait to see what you do with those pages!Have a great day! Laurie

Maggie said...

OH MY GOSH !!! You found some awesome treasures. I LOVE the book and the fact that copyright date of 1884 makes it even more special. I would love to touch it and take in the smell that only an old book can have. Congratulations on your amazing finds.

Vee said...

Absolutely terrific finds...love them all. I am always scouting for such things...locks and keys...don't find them nearly often enough.

The book is completely charming...

Karen Erickson said...

What wonderful finds! I am in love with the fairy book and the butterfly book! I love both so I would've been giddy over that. Hee hee.

I bought quite a few items from the Shabby Chic line at Target recently - most of it for my office. File folders, post its, etc - so pretty! :)

Teri said...

Oh, how I would love to go shopping with you. You always find the neatest treasures and turn them in to just wonderful art. Thanks for always sharing your finds and projects. I always love to read your blog, it just makes my day.

Sheila D said...

Gosh those are great finds. I love the fairy book. I love vintage fairies of any kind. It's so much fun to scout around and find little treasures like these. I haven't gone for a while. I'm due.

pumpkinbuttons said...

After seeing what you found I am going out this weekend! I love the fairy book especially!

Rose Garden Romantic said...

Wonderful finds! The fairy book is amazing!! Love it!!

Annie said...

You found treasures, indeed! Teach us how you do it...a 'shopping workshop', maybe? I wasn't going to leave the house today, but I feel a quick run to Target coming on. You never fail to inspire.

Lori said...

wonderful finds Dawn, the fairy book is just beautiful:) and old keys are always good!!!

Lolly said...

What lovely finds.....fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

vikki said...

what fun treasures to find. the books are so charming. i looked thru one of my old ones yesterday, and the inside cover like u showed is so pretty, too. like all our trinkets and finds, wish they could talk and tell their story! =) it is so fun to have you share your joys with us. it makes us happy for you. sometimes things just find us, because they know we will love and treasure them! =) thank*u sweet sweet dear friend for sharing and inspiring. love and blessings, xoxo, vikki =)

Kentucky Bound said...

All of your treasures are wonderful . . . but that book is beyond description! I can't wait to see what you'll do with the scanned images!


Anonymous said...

now you know I'm coming down in June, right?!? I hope you'll share some of these haunts- I never find stuff like this!! ;-)

Deb said...

Dawn, your found treasures are wonderful and the little box you made in your previous post is so beautiful. The little nest and speckled eggs surrounded by feathers - spectacular!

Sandy said...

Looks like you hit the jackpot of ephemera!!! The books look so sweet! I just know we will see some wonderful creations from their inspiration! Have a great week!

Becky said...

Oh my Dawn, this Fairy book is amazing, what an exquisite find.
I love it.


Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I agree you have found such awesome things.......

Shabby Cottage Studio said...

Oh you lucky, lucky girl!!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

I not only love the pictures and the book itself - but the title ! You find the most amazing things - things that make my heart flutter just seeing them - Can't wait to see what you do with them!

The Cinnamon Stick said...

The fairies took you right to that book now didn't they!! What a unique find - I am starting to see sprinkles of "fairy dust" in the store as the fairies make their way back to our gardens....I am not sure where they go for the winter, but their return is most welcomed. I will keep a watchful eye for your FAIRY give-away. Judy

Abbie said...

Hi Dawn,
What fabulous treasures! I just love the key hole and keys.
Old books are a favorite too!
Thank you for sharing,

SweetAnnee said...

Take me shopping!!!
you find the best treasures

fondly deena

Cindy said...

Love that book and all your goodies...just gorgeous!


Julie said...

What beautiful books. If you share a fairy print, I know exactly what I'm doing with it already, lol.

Is the heavy key a skate key? I have something similar and thought it was but I'm not positive.

Anonymous said...

omgoodnesss how beautiful are your finds! Definitely things I would have picked up too! And I love the Shabby Chic goodies...haven't beent to Target in awhile...need to get there!

Rue said...

Those treasures are wonderful!!

After seeing the stationary, I'm on a mad dash for Target!

Rue :)

Tina Leavy said...

I love old books like that too Dawn..absolutely gorgeous illustrations.
Oh..and I'm going to have to check Target out..they have some of the cutest things sometimes.
Love your new creations.

Victorian Lady said...

drooling over that fairy book!

Deb Plapp said...

Dawn, I just have to tell you, I looked up your Fairy book and found it at Abe Books for... drum roll please... one of them was $100+, and the other was $440.00! Wow, I don't know what you paid, but I'm sure you got a better deal than either of these! Deb



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