Yesterday my husband and our youngest, Noah were watching a show I believe called "Georgia Backroads" and they visited Juliette, Georgia and The Whistle Stop Cafe. You know, where the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes" was filmed. After seeing the show, they decided it would be fun to take a drive down there today. It was chilly and overcast but we set out anyway.
It didn't take us long to get there, only about 30 - 40 minutes. We visited the little shops (not too great) and then decided to sample what the cafe is famous for. After a long wait, we were finally seated and eventually were served up the famous fried green tomatoes! They really were delicious but whew, I couldn't eat them very often!

To end the day, Noah wanted us to rent the movie and we've watched it tonight. Seems only fitting that we should. So I guess you could say we've had a fried green tomato kind of a day!!!
xxoo, Dawn
Dawn -
Just found your scanned images for our personal use and wanted to say Thank You so much. I especially love the Robins :) !!
Robin/Southern Bella
looks like you have a comment to delete :) do NOT click on it!! another blogger friend of mine got one yesterday :/ BUT I wanted to tell you how sweet I think it was to involve Noah with the outing yesterday! You and your husband created some heart memories~and those kind never go away :)
WOW! What a fun day you guys must have had! I would LOVE to visit the Whistlestop Cafe...I love that book, movie...and Fannie Flagg...the picture of the headstone or should I say..."armstone" is too funny. That's what I love about the south...always making lemonaide out of lemons...
Thanks for the tutorial from your friend...I forwarded it on to my daughter...she used seedling to start her garden last year...so maybe this will help her save some CASH!! She's in Colorado...so I think she still has time...in fact it snowed again yesterday...poor things!
Hi Dawn,what fun. I love that movie and would fine it so interesting to visit the Cafe, etc. I happen to love fried green tomato's and the ones in your picture look delicious. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Interesting! I've never tried Fried Green Tomatoes. Sounds delish :)
Dawn, I love this movie and the period it takes place. Lucky girl. I wish I could dress like what they wear in the movie.
I never realised it was a real place! I live in Australia and I loved that movie too.
Thankyou for showing us.
It sounds like a wonderful day - I'll have to put your roadtrip on my list of things I'd like to do :)
I got my copy of the new Somerset Life and noticed your comment on P.5 and then was delighted to see on P.79 that you will be featured in the Summer 2008 Somerset Life in an article on your sweet little baby shoe pincushions. That is so cool! I can't wait to read it - I am so happy that your beautiful work is getting some of the attention it deserves, Congratulations!
Hi Dawn. Not to sure about the Fried Green Tomatoes, we are so far from any Southern Fried Food...just KFC.LOL Have a great day!! Don't laugh if you visit my blog...its still WHITE. I'll email you sometime today and tell you why.Laurie
I LOVED that book and movie- I think it's time to watch it again- I'm off to add it to the Netflix que right now- thanks for a peek at a real Fried Green Tomato.
i love that movie! u are so lucky u got to go there!
You are so lucky... it's my favorite movie and I loved the book too. I cried an laught a lot seeing the film! Thank you a lot for showing us how is the real Whislte Stop! From Spain,
So wonderful! I've added this as one more place to visit on the road trip when we retire. Thanks!
Suzanne - the Farmer's Wife
Oh Dawn I am so jealous. That is one of my all time favorite movies!! What a great trip!!!!
This was a wonderful book and movie. Sounds like a nice day with the family. Congratulations on your publication. I am especially fond of the 3d nest. You are amazingly creative.
How delightful to find this is a real place!
I remember after first viewing the movie, having to try to fry green tomatoes myself. Mine did NOT look as nice as those ::sigh:: but they were indeed yummy!
Hum ... now that you have seen the movie, do you worry about what you ate? ::heehee:: Not a place to try the bbq I guess?
Sorry ::giggle:: couldn't resist!
=^..^= love, zU
I am a fried green tomato kind of girl, the movie and the kind you eat! I grew up eating them and love them but don't indulge too much as they are FRIED! Sounds like you had a wonderful family day.
Oh this brings back memories for me. We went to the original Whistlestop Cafe, aka the Irondale Cafe, in Alabama the day we found out our oldest would be a boy! My parents were with us and when we told them he would be named Colin, my dad told us he had a cousin Colin. I can still remember sitting at the table eating a meat and two.
that movie is one of my favorites. glad you had a fun day, and some good ole southern cooking.
What fun! I love that movie and I do have a thing for FGT's. With Ranch dressing...yum. Sounds like a neat day. Don't cha love the scene where she rams the car? LOL.
What a wonderfully nostalgic day to share Dawn.
Lisa & Alfie
Hello, I ran across your blog and thought that I would share...I have never been to this "Whistle Stop Cafe", but I have been to the one that is in Irondale, AL, which is the one that the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes" is actually based on. It's really a neat little resturant, lot's of history. And the tomatoes there are also really great!
Just found your blog. Very nice! I love the movie Fried Green Tomatoes! How cool to be able to go and visit where it was filmed!
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