Today was a day to take care of family things . . . so busy in many ways. Our seventeen year old took his driver's test and passed!! A year later than he should have, but we are thankful for that . . . after having a couple of his close friends killed in tragic car accidents, Chase has been very willing to wait. After the test today and him receiving his driver's license he wanted to drive himself to soccer practice. His father and I finally succumbed and let him drive himself.
I have tell you that we have already gone through this three times and it just does not get any easier!!!! You have to let go and trust God to protect them and give them wisdom in their driving decisions. Another one of my little boys is becoming a man, what's a mother to do???? Four down, one to go . . .yikes!
Congrats to your son Dawn! It took me three times to finally get mine back in the day...lol! But I am still not much a fan of driving...I always let my husband!
Dawn, I know exactly how you feel. It's hard when they grow up. Our oldest is almost 21 and our youngest is about to turn 14! It's hard to let them go into the world - - but we have to trust God to protect them when they are away from us. (I'll tell you a secret, I still don't sleep at night until ALL my little chicks are home for the night :) then I can go to sleep!)
Hi Dawn,
I feel your anxiety! I've gone through it twice already and one more to go too! I'm not looking forward to that! Congrats to your son, I'm sure he's ready now for the responsibility.
I can relate too. It seems he has been rather mature about waiting to get his license so you should not have to worry too much!
Go Chase!! That is awesome. I got my driver's license late to, actually I was 17 as well. Don't worry he drives safe, he's driven Brent and I around alot. I'm so proud of him, tell him congratulations and a late happy birthday for me please.
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Dawn it is so hard to let them grow and let them go out into the big wide world
Congrats on the new driver!!!!
ohhhh lordy..i sooooo know the feeling...
"go and let god"..
its all we can do..
sending you lotsa hugs :)
p.s. i created a new banner for my blog using your free image that you so graciously offered :) thank you.. :)
Wow! This seems to be the week for watching our little boys grow up! I suppose it's time to tie some extra fabric on to those motherly apron strings and give them room to spread their wings!
Don't tell me this!!! My oldest isn't even 14 yet and he's counting down the time until he can get his permit (16 here. I still worry about him on his bike.
what a handsome fella he kinda looks like your grandparents.
I have done this twice before and have one more to go. yikes...
Beautiful pretties as grandma would say as always. Love the box.
congratulations to your son:) i am already anxious about my 15 year old driving...he is not interested in the slightest yet...BIG sigh of relief...maybe he will be like me, i didn't learn to drive until i was 19.
When my 3 daughters would get their license I would be so worried! but like you said you have to let go and let God. We survived the minor fender benders and now I can enjoy watching them go through this with their children :)
Congratulations to your son on receiving his driving licence :-}
Your Easter eggs in yesterday's post are gorgeous Dawn with the millinery flowers & pearls. I loved the colour scheme.
There, there, Dawn! We can trust God...we can trust Him.
Hearty congrats to your son on achieving this milestone!
Oh my goodness Dawn I will be facing this very same thing in the few months...I don't know how I will ever do it! I already am driving myself crazy with "what ifs"!!!!
congratulations to your son. my daughter is going to be 17 soon and has been reluctant to get the drivers permit as well, but I know she'll be a safe driver..yet I know that feeling you are referring too. It's kind of a bittersweet feeling when the baby birds start getting wings and getting closer every day to flying on their own...but that's what it's about.
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