FOUR years of blogging!
And what a wonderful four years it has been!!!!!
These years have been filled with so much goodness...
Almost 1600 posts of
creating my heart out,
sharing my loves and life
and the best thing of all???
Making so very many AMAZING friends!!!!
You've touched my life in ways you'll never know,
inspired me and encouraged me,
thank you SO MUCH!
So to celebrate four years of blogging,
I would love to have a giveaway
with FOUR prizes!!!!
I will create a sweet piece of art in the next few days
for the FIRST gift.
I'll add the photo here too :)
Next, I would love to give away a copy of
Pam Carricker's new book
I wrote a little about blogging (surprise, surprise!)
and how much I love it ~
my heart artwork is featured on this page...
I'm sure you'll recognize a couple of my other pieces below as well ~
Pam did such an AMAZING job on this book...I think you are going to love it too!!
There are wonderful techniques shared and so much great advice on
how to fit creating art into your busy life.
I'm so honored to be included with all of the other artists inside...
thank you very much Pam!!!
For the THIRD and FOURTH giveaway winners
I would love to offer you two tutorials from my
Lessons from The Nest store!!!!

For the THIRD and FOURTH giveaway winners
I would love to offer you two tutorials from my
Lessons from The Nest store!!!!
Simply leave me a comment on this post!!
And please leave me your email address if you
should not have a blog.....
The giveaway ends next Friday, Feb. 18th at 6:00 pm EST!!!!
Thank you for four wonderful years
of blogging precious friends!
of blogging precious friends!
Happy Friday and wishing you a great weekend ~
hugs and love,
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»Congratulations! So exciting! I found your blog about 2 years ago and have enjoyed it since and you are always so generous! So, thank you for blogging! Have a great weekend! karen....
Congratulations! I love your blog and would love to be entered in your give away! Thank you Susan
Congratulations on four years! I always love your sweet posts and lovely creations!
Thank you for all the beauty you share with all of us. I found your blog a few months ago and check it every day. It gives me so much inspiration!
Congratulations!!! May you have many, many more years of creating and blogging ahead of you!
Wow...that's great! Congratulations!
i wish i had known about you for the last 4 years!!! i check your blog daily and i am so excited when you have posted something new. your blog is sooooo much fun!! beautiful and inspiring as well!!!
Congratulations Dawn! Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway. Just love your creations!
Love, love your blog....I can't tell you how much it has inspired me.....
Congratulations on four years of continuing to be an inspiration to everyone!!!
Margaret B
4 Years, can you believe it! This is also my 4th year, I remembered we started almost around the same time. You were one of the first to comment and I was so excited that someone knew I was out there. Thanks for all you've done to inspire me these 4 awesome years!!
Four years of blogging and 1600 posts are amazing! Thank you for a sweet giveaway and for tossing my name into the cap. (I'm so glad that you're going to be creating again in your own studio.)
Congratulations sweet blog friend! Wow what a milestone, 1600 posts! Your generous heart and kind spirit have touched many here in the land of blog. You have been and are a wonderful friend and mentor. Thank you for helping me get a start in the blogging world. I can't wait to see where the future takes you!
Congratulations on four years of blogging! Four years of bliss for us because we get to reap the benefits of your wonderful blog!
The images today are so wonderful and the book looks divine. Whoever the winners are they will be so lucky to win that book, or one of your tutorials, or a piece of your art!
I'm looking forward to seeing what you create ~ I bet you're looking forward to creating too!
Thanks so much for this giveaway and thanks so much for your inspiring blog. We love it you know!!
Congrats on this wonderful milestone! I know I can always come visit you, Dawn, when I need some beauty in my day! Count me in please!
Congratulations on four years of blogging, Dawn! That's a wonderful accomplishment. You are just about two years ahead of me! Your blog is always inspiring and a lovely place to visit. Now please put my name in the hat so I might win one of your great prizes!
Dawn, I love your blog. Congratulations on 4 years. That's awesome. I've been bloging almost a year now. Come follow me. You inspire so many with your writings and pictures. After reading about you working in your studio I decided to do a little more work in mine. I love vintage so put my name in the drawing. Have a blessed day.
Congrats on four fun-filled years of blogging bliss!!
wow...i can only hope to make it that far and as successfully! I have loved your blog for awhile now..albeit...i stalked it for the longest time before i left a comment. sooo many followers! You are quite an inspiration to us all. congratulations. your success and love from your followers is much deserved!
Congrats from one Dawn to another!
Your blog was one of the fist I started following last year when I began my blogging adventure. Your posts are always beautiful and so inspirational to a newbie like me. Thank you!
Congratulations on four years, Dawn. That's pretty incredible, my friend. Wishing you many, many more creative and inspirational posts.
That's simply amazing isn't it? Four years.....of you bringing happiness and positive thoughts to so many of us.
Thank you.....:)
WOW, four years? You must be one of the founding bloggers:) Have a blessed day and thanks for hosting the giveaway! HUGS!
Dawn, four years!! Doesn't time fly? Although I've only been around, I think, since late 2009. Congrats, and thank you again for your generosity!
Happy Anniversary Dawn!!! Four years is amazing!! :)
Congratulations on your 4 years! I always enjoy seeing all of your creations!~Hugs, Patti
Congrats on your 4 year anniversary! I found your blog about 2 years ago and enjoy your posts. You are so creative!
Thanks for four years of amazing posts! Here's to the next four years. I love visiting and admire your creativity!
Congratulations Dawn! I love being your follower! You are an inspiration to us all!
Best Wishes and Blessings,
Congratulations, Dawn! Please throw my name in; I'd be happy to win any one of these prizes!
Congratulations and thank you for generously sharing too. I have enjoyed every post as a follower for quite a while now. I also still love the piece of art I bought from you a while back. I would be honoured to win something special from you. I shall keep hoping. :) Have a great weekend.
Congratulations on 4 YEARS!! Wowee! That is somethin'...I have a ways to go to catch up with you!
Four years of beauty for all us visitors, full of inspiration , and wonderfull image gifts,- to save. You are one of the most sweet, kind and helpfull persons , and I want to thank you for those 4 great blog years, with you, sweetie.
I will ofcourse love to win one of your wonderfull gifts.
Love and hugs- and week-end kisses-
Congratulations for your 4 years of blogging. I'm so happy that you are getting lots of orders for soap, it is beautiful, I bet it smells better. Keep up that inspiration, here's to 4 more years, hip, hip hoooray!
What wonderful prizes!! Congrats on four years of blogging.
(another) Dawn :o)
Wow! Four years of blogging! I hope I am still blogging in four years and have a beautiful, creative and inspiring blog such as yours! Congratulations and I would love to be a winner of your give-away!
Cathy G
Four years - that's incredible & wonderful & just downright great!! Congrats & thank you for the generosity of your time & creativity. I am constantly inspired by all you do!! Patte
What wonderful give aways! It's always a pleasure to see what you have been up too!
four years!!! congrats, how exciting for you, wishing you many more!!!
Congratulations on four years! I just found you recently, and am sad that I didn't know you for the entire time. Your site is absolutely lovely, and I am inspired every single time I visit. Here's to many more years!
What a great milestone, congratulations! Your posts have always been so inspiring. Just don't ever stop! :-)
Congratulations on your four years of blogging! That is a lot of sharing. I would love a chance to win one of your fabulous prizes! Connie
4 years of are a little ahead of me..I am approaching 1,000 posts so am thinking about a giveaway too in a month or so.....please include me in the giveaway..I love your creations and the book is wonderful.....
have followed your blog for awhile now and love it! would love to win your art and the book sounds wonderful! please throw my name in the hat
What a wonderful following you have and rightfully so, your blog is very inspiring and filled with such treats for the eye and soul. Congratulations on four years! As a blogger myself, I know what goes into that and you do an amazing job. Thanks for all you share :-)
Congratulations Dawn, four years is a long time to share so much of yourself and your wonderful art. I hope you continue as long as your heart desires.
Congratulations on the 4 years Dawn! I have been following for about 6 months and am so in love with your blog. I visit almost every day. You post so many things that are parallel with me. THANK you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful blog.
Congrats on the four years of blogging! Did you ever think you would have so much to say? We certainly enjoy reading it~ Please enter me into the giveaway and many more posts to come!!
Always been one of my favorite places and lovely ladies I enjoy coming to visit several times a week... Thanks for everything Dawn...
Congratulations on your four years blogging! I found this wonderful blog over a year ago and I'm happy to visit it every time!Thanks for sharing, Dawn!
Oh my goodness Dawn! I can't believe you have been blogging for 4 years!!! And to top it all off, you are able to create great posts full of wit and creativity almost everyday!!! Holly Vow! You are a rock star!!!
Congrats on you blogging four years. I stop as often as I can because I love just looking at your blog and the wonderful work you share!
Wow - truly amazing and I think that I've been following for at least 3 maybe more years.
Congrats and thanks so much for your inspiration!
Congratulations Dawn! Always a delight to see your posts pop up in my reader.
Wow--congratulations on 4 years! Your blog has been a gift and a treasure for all of us. You are always an inspiration to me!
Happy Anniversary! I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your lovely artwork.
Count me in Dawn....I'd proudly display anything you created in my home.
Thanks for the chance!
Congrats on 4 years, and congrats on being published, way to go. Love your work and your blog.
4 years and it is all amazing!
Love your beauty that you share!
now i will cross my fingres
Would you come decorate my house as a prize??? Seriously, I would love to win one of your prizes. Thanks for a beautiful blog!
I love your blog, I don't know how long I have been a follower but it must be at least two years. Congratulations on four years of lovely and inspiring posts.
Congratulations!!Count me in on the lovely giveaway.If I should be the lucky winner just email me through my blog.Warm Blessings!~Amy
Congrats! I have just found you in the last few months but you have certainly become one of my most favorite blogs!! I just love it and appreciate you sweet spirit that shines through all you do! Blessings
Congrats! I have just found you in the last few months but you have certainly become one of my most favorite blogs!! I just love it and appreciate you sweet spirit that shines through all you do! Blessings`Barb
Congratulations...Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway... Just love your creations...
Have a Blessed day
Congratulations Dawn on 4 years blogging!
I read your wonderful blog every day. It is one I always click. Thanks for sharing YOU with US!
Blessings. Dix (
Congratulations Dawn! I have been so blessed by your blog. Your's is the first blog I read everyday! Thank you for giving us so much of yourself.
Congratulations on your 4 years! Thank you for allowing us to share in all that you do. You're such a beautiful person! :-)
Congratulations on 4 fantastic years and on being featured in Art at the Speed of Life! I'm fixin' to celebrate my first year of blogging in just a bit. Wished I gotten here sooner, it's been a blast so far.
Thanks for offering a giveaway, Susanne.
Oh, yes, dear Dawn, a gift from you would be a blessing indeed. Congrats on your four years. I've followed them with pleasure.
want you to know I LOVE your would be grand if I won....I'm not very lucky though!!! Congratulations on 4 years...take care of that sweet grandbaby!!! Chris
Congratulations on 4 years Dawn. Your blog is one of my favorite escapes!
Congrats on 4 wonderful years and so many posts. Thank you for sharing yourself, your beautiful artwork and your loving family.
This is great, Dawn! I've been following along for those four years! Yours is my 'go-to' blog when I need inspiration - which in nearly every day! You are one creative gal! Jamie V in MT
Very cute - love your blog. Thanks for having a giveaway - thanks for hanging in for 4 years!
WOW!!! 4 years...& all those kind words of wisdom and friends met along the way...That is so awesome....God sent blessings! I am too excited about the prizes....visit me at Tiff
Congratulations Dawn! I'm so excited to have my hat thrown in the ring for your generous giveaway.
I feel really blessed to have found your sweet blog and look forward to seeing what you have been up to! Congratulations on 4's awesome! And thanks for such a great giveaway..this book looks wonderful!
Congratulations on four years of blogging! I really enjoy your blog and the inspiration I receive here.
Good job for having started and continued blogging, esp with sharing your wonderful work and ideas. I enjoy checking out your blog. :)
Dawn, congrats on your four years! What a positive impact you have had on many people including me. Your blog has been my gateway for other blogs and in turn some wonderful life experiences. For instance, my niece and I will be going to Pam Carricker's workshop in NJ in May. It all started with your blog.
Big hug from NJ!
Sandy D.
You have been such an inspiration to all of us over the past 4 years. Congratulations to you on the first four and I can't wait to see what you share with us over the next four-plus.
Hugs and love,
You are one of my new friends here in the blog.. I enjoy your posts....... I too am headed toward 4 years... it i hard to imagine that it has been that long now..... so many wonderful friends..
My Dear Dawn, you have been so sweet to me these past few years. I am so glad that I found you. Your loving heart and creativity have helped me to think outside the box. Seeing you with that little grandaughter and your new house has been wonderful. And although I haven't hugged you or sat with a cool drink and talked the day away....I know that we would if we could. So keep on keeping on....Big Hugs, Mary
I may be late to the party, but I'm here now and I ain't going anywhere! Congratulations on an excellent four years of showing how to blog with class!
Just getting to know you has been present enough for me. Thank you.
Congratulations! Yours is the very first blog that I found and I love it. Please enter me in your drawing.
What a wonderful way to celebrate 4 years of blogging! Thank you for all you do & all your sharing of ideas & comments! You are an inspiration! Congrats... *hugs*
Happy blogging birthday
Love your inspirational blog.......
congrats dawn! just look at all the lives you've touched in 4 years!! you were one of the first blogs i found when i discovered blogging a couple years ago. you've inspired me ever since, and one of my favorite purchases was your fairy in a jar tutorial...
i'm off to check out that fabulous book now - looks like the perfect pick me up for this lingering winter!
so inspirational, Dawn! Love your blog and your sweetness. So fun to check in on you and your life, projects, granddaughter, soaps, house....i feel like I already know you and we've never met! Congratulations on 4 years of sharing with us.
Congratulations Dawn. You've been a total inspiration to me. I would love to have a chance in your giveaway. Blessings
I don't have a blog, but my e-mail is:
Ooh yes - I'd love to enter such a generous giveaway. I'm not sure what I'd be most excited about winning - all such beautiful things to gift another person! :-)
Much love from across the pond,
Jem xXx
I love your blog and love your pics of Clara...Have followed and watched her grow...have gotten inspiration from your posts!
Dearest Dawn, I am so happy for you to be celebrating 4 years of doing what you love and bringing so much inspiration and beauty to the world - and more specifically to me & all your faithful followers. You have such an eye for beauty, elegance, timelessness, joy, and love and you share so selflessly. No wonder we all love you so! Thanks for all that you add to our lives and I hope you keep it up forever! What a great giveaway. I know the odds are gonna be pretty steep but I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one! XOXO Dianne (
HI Dawn,
Congrats on 4 years and being so inspirational to us. I have followed for along time now and appreciate your sharing the images and fun ideas! Clara is one cute grandbaby too and your sharing her and your new farmhouse is my dream to have that land and create outside!
I cherish every time I visit! I have been collecting jars since they don't recycle for the fairy jar tutorial, it is awesome!
Also, congrats on all of your beautiful publishings!
Smiles, Cyndi
What a great blessing you have given all of us from your blog, congrats on 4 fabulous years, I love reading your blog, you always share from the heart. Thank You.
for all your inspiration you have given to me, Peggy Lee
Count me in on your wonderful giveaway! thank you, melissa
Hi sweet Dawn,
wow 4 years of wonderful creations! I hope there are many more to come. You are my inspiration.
Karen B. ~ Todolwen
I'm melissa above - don't know why it didn't display access to my blog, so I'm commenting again to enter, thank you!
Congratulations Dawn! You are one of the sweetest people on this crazy wonderful world of blogging. And it is so typical of you to want to celebrate by giving US something. Count me in....I'm a big fan and love your blog!
Hi, Dawn. Wow, four years. Thank you for sharing so much of your life with us and inspiring us everyday! This is a fun giveaway and I'm grateful to be included. Take care!
Congratulations Dawn. I love your blog and your art work. I love seeing how you are making do with a smaller studio as we are downsizing and I am probably going to have to do the same thing. Thanks for the giveaway.
Dawn - congratulation on your 4 year anniversary! I've only 'found you' a few months ago, but since then I visit you daily. Your blog is wonderful and inspires me constantly! I've also purchased a couple of tutorials and LOVED them! I appreciate the time and effort - and love - you put into your blog! Cheers!
Congrats! I love to see all your blog post.
Wow! Four years! Congratulations!
As the saying goes, A Giving Heart, Gathers...and you are proof of that. Thank you so much for all you share with us Dawn, we're connected by heart strings. Congratulations!! Dottie
Dear Dawn, Your generous spirit and kind heart make a visit to your blog a sweet respite. You are a mentor and friend to so many of us. Bless you as you celebrate this milestone, and thank you for sharing your life with us. Love, Penny
Congratulations on four years! Indeed a milestone. Thank you for all you share - It's a privilege to be part of your life in a small way.
Bless you! How fun! I am happy to add you to my blog list...mine is
Your site is beautiful and I am glad it has enriched your life...thank you! Peace to your heart, Laura
Dawn congratulations on FOUR years of blogging! YOU are an inspiration to so many bloggers and artists! You are a genuine person and it speaks from your posts! Cheers to you...and many more years of blogging! Oh..and of course I'd love to be included in your wonderful giveaway!
WOW! Congratulations Dawn on 4 fabulous years! I just started blogging, literally this week, and immediately subscribed to your blog. I am absolutely in love with all of your creations. Your blog is truly inspiring.
Congratulations on 4 years of blogging, Dawn. I hope you give us many more years of your inspiration!
Congratulationss on 4 years of blogging. You do such a great job at it. Nancy
Hi Dawn, I love to visit your beautiful blog, you are so inspiring. Congratulations. Have a wonderful weekend. Terri
Thank you so much for your offer...I look forward to your blog posts every day...thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas and thoughts..
Hello Dawn!
Congratulations on your 4 year aniversary of Blogging! I don't always comment, but I am here to visit almost every time you post. I love your art work and have been continually inspired by your use and love of nature as I decorate my own home with art. You are one of my favorite stops for inspiration! I also enjoy your sweet honesty and caring heart! It shines through all your post!
Thanks so much for making our little blogging world so delightful!
With Love from the Cabin,
Claudia O.
Wow! Time flies when you are reading such an inspirational blog! Thank you so much for all that you share and congratulations on four years! Hurrah!!!
Dawn, Thank you for four wonderful years of sharing with us!
Happy Blogoversary Dawn!
I always enjoy reading your beautiful posts.
Here's to many, many more years of continued success.
Blessings ~
Oh, Dawn! What a terrific giveaway you're offering. Nothing could be more awesome than a piece of your art. Thanks for this opportunity. Happy blogoversary!!
Congratulations on four years. How exciting. I love your blog. So full of love and inspiration. How generous of you for all the giveaways. Thanks Sharon
Congratulations on four years of blogging. I love your inspiring blog and following along with your adventures. I am looking forward to the NEXT four years of posts!
Congratulations on 4 years of blogging, I'm just coming up on a year! You are amazing and I'm glad I found you! Happy Valentine's Day! Marilou XOXO
Dear Dawn,
Congratulations on four years of blogging! I started blogging in Nov. 2009, and you were the second person to comment on my blog. Thanks so much for all the inspiration you have shared with all of us! I have enjoyed using some of the images you've shared with us and I love reading your posts.
I just got Art at the Speed of Life last week, and there you were! I love to find you in the Somerset magazines and feel like I'm visiting with a best friend!
Since my blog won't comment on your blog for some wierd reason, I hope you will add me to your giveaway. Please have a happy valentines day!
Sherry (Rustique Gal)
Happy 4 Year Anniversary! I've enjoyed your blog very much and have been following for awhile now. Your work never fails to inspire, and is always different and unique. Thanks so much for the chance to win this generous giveaway and to own a few pieces of your art!
Happy Anniversary, love what you do and would love to win a prize.
While it's always nice to win something, the real prize is knowing that you're planning to continue to inspire us with your blog in the future. Happy Anniversary!
A huge congrats on your wonderful milestone, Dawn! Wow, 4 years! Yours is one of the first blogs I found and started enjoying when I stumbled into blogland some years ago. I consider you to be one of the kindest bloggers whom I visit. Thanks for sharing your talents and ideas and inspirations with all of us.
Dawn, we should be thanking you for all the 'wonderfulness' you have shared over the last 4 years! Congratulations on one of the prettiest, inspiring, uplifting blogs in the land! Your giveaway is generous beyond words. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day! Twyla
I agree I am thanking u for all the inspiration u have given us all over the years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your giveaways are the best. your friend in iowa.
4 years! Congratulations on the milestone. And to think that I've only discovered you recently through one of my favourite blogs (Notforgotten Farm). I just feel so at peace and my creative juices get a little tingle at the possibilities out there when I stop by.
Thank you for the chance.
Happy Blogaversary!! 4 years of sharing and caring and beautiful posts. Can you remember the day you decided to start a blog? Did you wonder 'who would even want to read?'...Now look at all who love to come and visit!! Your place is one of my favorite places to come a sit a spell and I always leave with a smile. Thank you!
xox Rella
Happy 4 Year Blogiversary!! I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Would LUV this book!
Artful Blessings,
Dawn, Thank you for 4 years of sharing your beautiful blog with us.
Thank you for the inspiration and wonderful pictures!
Happy Anniversary, I am so glad you are here!
Smiles, Dolly
Hello Dawn,
Congratulations on your anniversary!!! I visit you almost daily as I enjoy ALL your posts :)
Thank you for your generosity and a chance to win, warm greetings from Mexico ~
Hi Dawn!
Happy FOURTH anniversary.... Oh how I love your blog.........AND your tutorials too....Please throw me into the hat....this is soooo exciting. Well, I'll be a LOT more excited if I happen to the happy winner.
Happy Anniversary!!! I love your blog!!! Thank you for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway!!!
best regards,
Hi Dawn,
Your blog has blessed so many of us for these past four years. And I thank you for your encouragement for me. Your freindship means so much!!!!!!
love you,
Congratulations on your anniversary! Thank you for the lovely giveaway to celebrate :)
Congratulations on 4 years of blogging. I truly love your blogs because they are always created with such love and you make me feel so connected to you. You know how artistic you are when you have so many art creations published. Love and best of wishes for your future.
I love your artwork! I found your site by accident (really, there are no accidents) and still haven’t seen it all…..I’m going back as soon as I send this.
Would you enter my in your contest? I’d love a chance at a piece of your beautiful art work and failing that, I am also one of those who has been waiting for the Pam Carriker book. I’m itching to look through it!
Thank you for…..having a blog, having a contest, being so sweetly generous…..have an inspiring week!
Fran Souza
Congratulations on 4 great years!
Four years?! Wow, that's a long time in cat years! And in human years, that's a lot of creating!!! I've enjoyed it from the first time I set paws over here. And naturally, "she" was so happy to see that you had a blog, since you were no longer doing the store thing. How life changes, yes? So many blessings to be thankful for....not the least of which is the blessing of mew!
Congratulations! Love your blog!
Congratulations! You've come a long way baby!
Four years of blogging is a big deal - congratulations!!!
Thanks for sharing with us all of your incredible creativity!
Love all of the things up for grabs.
Congrats on 4 years, Dawn! You have been making our days brighter since then! Please enter me into the give-away, I would be honored to have (another) piece of your artwork!
Marcy Antle
Congratulations for 4-blogging-years to you!!!
I would love to be entered into your drawing and thank you!!
Hugs, Tami (
Wow,,,,4yr,,,has it really been that long...Congratulations and thank you for being there!
Kiss the little peanut for me!
I've said it before and I'll say it again--it's been wonderful watching you grow! Now I get to dream right along with you as I watch the transformation of your new home! Thanks for every word of inspiration you've given me the last four years!
Hi Dawn! A big congrats on your anniversary, you're wayyyy ahead of me! Would love to be in your drawing, thank you for your generous offer. Riki ( Take care.
Dear Dawn...With the addition of your sweet artwork your Anniversary giveaway just keeps getting BETTER...I mean as if just knowing you and your sweet blog is not prizes too? Realy! Congrats again to you...Blog on dear friend!
I am brand new to the world of blogging, and have enjoyed your site as one of the premier locations for me to follow. Not only is your blogspot gorgeous and informative, it looks like a place into which I would love to nestle and surround myself with all the tattered lace, photos, and ephemera. Thanks for letting me learn how to blog and how to channel my creative urges.
Congratulations on your four years and wishing you many, many more. I love your blog and your artwork... always so peaceful!
Blessings, Patti
I found your site while checking out some of my favorites. I knew I would love your site the second it read the feathered nest. I didn't realize just how inspirational and influential it would be. I want to run down into my studio right now. All the best for the past four years and to many many more!
Love the bird art. You, my friend, are so talented and inspire me...Please enter me for the drawing. I love birds and yes, the weather here in Alabama has been wonderful too...we are neighbors (state wise) lol Tiff The Cranky Queen
I love your blog! It's the first thing I check out in the morning to get inspired for the day! You are so very talented and your work is just my style! Thank you for the inspiration! I have not yet graduated to the world of blogging, so my email is Thanks!
Tracy Nix
It is only recently that I discovered your blog...and what a delight! I look forward to spending more time discovering things in your older posts. Four years...Congratulations!
Don't have a blog myself-BUT-the 1st thing I do in the AM is open the computer to see what you have been up to-I feel as if you are a good friend even though we haven't met...I love your style & appreciate your enthusiasm for life & encouragement-Thank you for sharing your life with us!
Blessings to you,
I love your art and your blog. Would be honored to have a piece of it! You are inspiring! Congratulations!
Well Dawn,
I do not think I signed up yet, but if you see my name twice, please just take one out and blame my forgetfulness. =)
Love your collage, as always!! So glad I found you at the beginning of my blogging journey. I have enjoyed all your wonderful posts along the way.
Always fun here, and you are so giving and encouraging. Thank you, and congratulations!!!
Here is hoping you are here many more years!!
barbara jean
I would love to enter would mean a lot to of one of your sweet creations grace my little home....thanks for offering...blessings,Shelley
Oh, count me in. Everything looks so lovely! I am a new follower.
Please stop by if you have a chance.
Congrats on your four yr. anniversary! I spend each morning reading blog updates, and yours is always on the list to visit. I love your artwork, and find your posts so friendly and warm. I've been a follower for quite awhile now. Thanks for sharing with us!
hugs, Sue K
Congratulations on 4 years. Your blog is always so interesting to read.
Congratulations! Enjoy your blog!
Congratulations and many more years of bringing us your awesome work. Please enter me for the drawing. What an honor it would be to own a Feathered Nest original.
Wow four years..I have been reading your lovely blog for the past 2 years..enjoy every post..uplifting and kind...thanks for the fab
Congratulations, Dawn! Yours is one of the blogs that I visit as often as I can. Your own loveliness shines through your words and art. Your posts are always inspiring and comforting. Your creations are so beautiful. I would love winning a piece you created, but the book and tutorials are also great giveaways. Thanks so much for your generosity!
I love reading your is a must when I settle in for some blog browsing. I would love to win anything from you :)!
Congratulations Dawn! I so appreciate the creativity you share and encourage through your posts and tutorials. Thank you! It would be an honor to have a piece of your work in my home; thank you for the opportunity to win!
snow_lightt at yahoo dot com
I just added a link to your giveaway on my blog!
Congrats on FOUR years! That's quite an accomplishment. Thanks so much for all that you've shared. I love to read your blog & would love to win any of the prizes. Best of luck to everyone.
Happy 4 years. I enjoy sitting and visiting every post you write. Thank you.
Wow, a fantastic giveaway!! You are a wonderful artist!! To many more blogging years!
What a beautiful and thoughtful way to celebrate your 4th Anniversary!! Thank you for allowing me to celebrate with you!
Thank you so much for blessing my day ~ I came across your sweet blog by chance and it changed my outlook on my rather bumpy day! God Bless!!
Hey there Dear Dawn, I've been so crazy I haven't been by. Big blessings to you on your 4 years, I fell in love with you and your blog long before I started blogging myself. Thank you for your generous and creative heart!
I have loved following your blog! Congratulations on 4 years! That is real commitment to blogging, especially done the way you do it... with creativity, generosity, and posting on most days! Looking forward to the next 4 years!
Nita Jo
Visiting your blog is like receiving a hug from a good friend. It is instantly calming and always uplifting. Yours is one of the few blogs I visit where I not only enjoy the music but use it as background music while I do other things. I very rarely leave a comment (sometimes I'm just too awestruck!) but I read each and every post. Thank you for filling our lives with inspriation and beauty. Here's to many more blogging years!!
Congratulations on your four years of blogging...what inspiration you've shared with all of us in that time! Here's to many more!
Love your blog...and the new artwork is having coffee with you each morning...starts my day out right! Mary Anne
I have loved your blog for almost as long as you have been blogging!! Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to many more years of inspiration from your fantastic blog!
bee blessed
What a wonderful creative journey you've had with your blog. Beautiful artwork. Thank you for sharing.
please enter and pick me dawn! as i am one of the millions who love love love your blog! thanks in advance diane from vintage-tickled-pink
Wow, just found your blog - love it and put it on my "favorites" list. Heading over to order some seam binding - you can never have too much!!
Please enter me in your celebration giveaway. Thank you.
Aww, congratulations! I love your precious creations. Sooo pretty and very appealing to the eye. I would love to have your artwork in my home. I have a sun porch in the cottage white theme that needs finishing and would cry comfort with your art in it:) Thank you!
That's awesome! I love visiting your blog, it has such a peaceful look and feel. The things you share make me always feel welcomed. Thank you so much for this. Have a great day!
Congratulations Dawn, I love to visit your beautiful blog and love your beautiful art. You are so inspiring. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Terri
Four glad I 'stumbled' upon your've given such inspiration to all of us 'followers'. Congrats and here's to many more years!
Wow! Four years! Your blog is so inspiring and fun. I've yet to get the nerve up to start one.
Thank you for sharing your art and most of all yourself:)
Paula Crichlow
Wow.. you are such a talented lady.. what great giveaways... congrats on 4 yrs. Please keep sharing. Thanks, Karen
Although, I haven't been here for your 4 years, I have loved every minute of the past 2 years. Your sharing has taught me so much about life, art and thoughtful generousity. Congrats to you and I can only hope that you will share for years to come. Nancy in So Cal
Wow, 4 years, congrats. I hope I can make it that long. I love coming here.
Your blog spot is the greatest! There are so many ideas I can't wait to try. Congrats on 4 inspirational years. Please include me in your giveaway, awesome stuff! Thank you for sharing your images, ideas and inspiration!
Luann B
Couldn't pass up an opportunity to have one of your pieces of artwork:D hugs, linda
Congratulations, Dawn. I love your blog and enjoy "visiting" often. Please throw my name in the hat for your giveaway. You can do this several times if you would like ;D
Oh my goodness, Congratulations !!!
I am so happy to have met you through
the blog world ~
It is a great place to be :)
Congratulations on four wonderful years of blogging. Thank you for all the inspiration you give!
Gracious Hospitality blog
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