Thursday, September 30, 2010

Book love...

I've been wanting this book for FOREVER!!!
Lisa's always wanted the book too and just bought her own copy...

Now...don't be shocked ~
This style of decorating is not for everyone but
as the resident HOARDER in our home...
There parts of it that so appeal to me!

The name of the book is Interior Alchemy by Rebecca Purcell ~
It was published way back in 1998 but the decorating style
inside is absolutely timeless.

Rebecca Purcell has previously worked as a stylist for Anthropologie...
need I say more??
Plus she truly is a wonderful artist ~

Now that I'm working on my new studio...this is looking a little familiar :)

I love the scientific look of these collections....nature inspired is my fav though ~

Some of this is over-the-top too much but there is something
wonderful and mesmerizing about these collections.
Surrounding yourself with what you love is what this book is saying....

Crazy wonderful, huh??

I'm making progress with the new studio finally!!
There are boxes in the living room, in the dining room,
the kitchen...even the front porch!
As soon as I feel like I won't scare you, I'll take a few photos to share ~

Wishing you a great Thursday sweet friends,
hugs and love,

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sweet stuff.....

So. Since I'm sitting in my hovel of a mess....
I thought I'd share a few sweet photos with you ~
Take them if you can use them too!!!

I just love this pouty little girl ~

My very favorite lamp my hubby bought me
a few years back at an auction ~
I've seen the same lamp featured in magazines...but in much worse shape!

The sweetest little window. I placed a piece of ephemera inside...
backed with Ralph Lauren sheet fabric ~

I just love the movie Miss Potter ~

Plain old items have such an impact as a grouping!

I never tire of my old Victoria magazines...

One of the sweetest photos I've ever taken ~
Noah and Ellie playing...she was so very tiny!!!!

Fall leaves and crisp cool weather...
we had a cool front blow in Monday and are
finally going to get to enjoy some fall temps ~

I'm in love with drop cloths.
I know I've told you before....but the fabric is WONDERFUL
after it's washed with fabric softener ~

Poor thing....the flash is so bright in this photo of Ellie!!
But I do love her sweet pose ~
She still tilts her head all the time!

Happy Tuesday my sweet friends ~
hugs and love,

Monday, September 27, 2010

Can you say "utter chaos???"

I mean it.
Dear studio has been 90% moved
and it has BLOWN UP our new little farmhouse!!!!

My new studio is probably HALF the size of the old two car garage and
I am amazed at all of the lovely junk I have!!

Thank goodness we have five sons...they have been so wonderful ~
I keep apologizing to them for the amount of "stuff" I have....
our oldest loves to aggravate me and said, "hey mom, do you know TLC's
phone number?" (The channel that the show "Hoarders" is on!!!!!)

Ugh!!! Doesn't he realize you can't create without stuff to create WITH???
(Actually he really does realize this :)

 The old studio, broken down....
I couldn't help but feel a little sad about it ~

The new studio in a massive mess...
now to see if I can get this mess organized!

Thank you so, so very much for your precious prayers
for my brother-in-law Mark ~
He's still fighting for his life...
this week will be a pivotal week  for him,
We are praying for his full recovery!!!

Life is so very precious ~
we must treasure each and every moment.

Wishing you a wonderful, happy Monday dear friends,
hugs and love,

Friday, September 24, 2010

Inspiration Friday...
curiosities..makeovers and a new tutorial!

I guess because I have so many things that do inspire me ~
It seems I'm constantly drawn to the Cabinet of Curiosities look in
decorating my home....what is this?

To me it is having wonderful old collections of things you love!
It could be a gathering of nature specimens or even
a gathering of beautiful old items that you group and display together....

The first few photos below are of
the Cabinet of Curiosities of Bonnier de la Mosson.
These displays are just GORGEOUS and so very inspiring to me ~

I hope this will inspire you just a little too... remember the "before"?

Here's a little peek at the after!
Well, it's not totally the finished AFTER....
as I have much to do in the decorating dept.
but I had to give you a little peek ~

And the dining room is in no way finished either...but I've been playing :)
Look at all that junk on the table!
I really have WAY too much stuff....

And the new tutorial is READY!!!
Precious little doll shoes....

Wishing you a great Friday and weekend dear friends!!
hugs and love,


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