My dear friend Dorthe of Den Lille Lade in Denmark sent me a precious gift, just because . . . she knew I would love it and Dorthe, I so DO!!! How precious is this little Flower Fairies book??? Thank you so much sweet friend! Who would have ever thought that I would have such a thoughtful friend so many miles away? This land of blog makes the world a much smaller place ~ 

Another friend I met through my blog, Sharon, sent me a big box of lace, ribbons, jewelry and fabrics . . . Sharon, this is amazing!! Thank you so very much for your thoughtfulness ~ There are so many wonderful supplies to create with!
Can you believe all of these treasures?? I just had to share the photos with you ~

I've been so excited about fall, cooler temperatures and the gorgeous deep blue sky, I had to created a little harvest of my own . . . I've been wanting to make some of these fabric pumpkins forever and finally did it!! One is made from muslin as I had already started it but the other three are made from . . . you guessed it! Canvas dropcloth. They look like I painted them but I just made a mixture of instant coffee, cinnamon and a little vanilla and painted it onto the fabric. Cooked them for about 3-4 minutes in the oven (scary, they could burn sooo fast!) and then finished putting them together. They kind of look pumpkin colored don't they?
I did paint the leaves green plus I stained them with the coffee solution as well. You know what else I did?? Used my brand new jigsaw to cut my stems from a tree branch that had fallen in my yard! I love power tools!
I still want to add some aged tags that say "Harvest Time" or "The Frost is on the Pumpkin" . . . I added a little clear glitter to the tops so they would have a little bit of a frosty look ~ I'm going to put these in my Etsy store . . .

Also, look what I found on Ebay ~ The Water-Babies book! It was such a great price, 5 bucks or something but when I got it in the mail and opened it up . . . the only illustration in the whole book was the one that I've pictured! The seller didn't list an illustrator but I guess that was why ~ oh well, I guess I could always read the book!

I'm so excited about one more little thing that came in the mail Monday (it really was a great mail day!) . . . a little bitty tripod for my digital camera!!! I'm finally going to start on the nature journal tutorial now ~ it's so hard to hold the camera, press the button and have both hands to actually create too!! This should be a very helpful little thing ~
I hope that each of you are doing so good. If not, I pray that you will be soon ~ and thank you always for stopping by to see what I'm up to!
Happy Tuesday dear friends,
xxoo, Dawn