The photo below is just a collection of things I love ~ OH, and you must try this at home. First I used two different vintage papers to see how this would work. One is a very old sheet of paper of minutes written in a farmer's meeting of some kind and the other from an old dictionary ~ I ran them both through my printer to print this gorgeous egg picture and LOOK!! Don't you think it's amazing? I'm going to use these as backdrops in assemblages.
Have you ever seen the mother of five sons having tiny pink ballet shoes? Well, here I am and they are the most precious shade of pink you've ever seen! Why do I love them? Who knows, but they are divine.

A pair of baby shoes Cindy found on one of her trips. They are the softest leather ~ I just had to have them.
Inside my sewing machine table drawer ~ just a little of this and that ~
This is a little night stand that I painted for my youngest son's nursery. I had it decorated in Classic Pooh and painted this to match. I can't part with it though ~ I still love it.
Just a tiny fragment of the fabric and linens I have in my possession. I need to be sewing right now day and night just to make a dent in my collection!
My inspiration board ~ there are pieces of artwork from Mica (paper dolls), Delila (the heart hanger), and Suzi Finer (the Alice in Wonderland collage) attached for me to enjoy! I love other's artwork, don't you?

My growing collection of dilapidated old, old books to use in my artwork ~ love, love them!
Why do I like these? String. I love it.
Here's a few of those spice bottles that had plastic tops (yuck) I found a corks to fit them! Now to alter them....
A few Martha Stewart stamps I found ~ I love birds! They are a little too perfect looking for me but I still love them.
What is this mass of stuff? Tons of goodies and supplies, snippets of inspiration and artwork in the making! Sweet Beachy do you see the little baby shoe I'm almost finished with?
I need to get busy and finish my paperclay figures. I just need a few more hours in my day....
A doll crib on top of this shelf! I just love it and maybe one day I'll have a little granddaughter that will enjoy playing with it! Botanicals in old jars to use in artwork and paper. I've got to get something to separate my paper better...the small sets of drawers hold stamps.
See the jar of lavender? I use it for sachets...
Well, that's just some of it. I didn't take shots of some of the other parts of the room because I didn't want to scare you ~
I'm at the store this week and I don't tend to make too much during the week that I work. Even though I was off last week it was pretty much a wash creatively with school starting and working a few days for Cindy. But I'm definitely feeling the urge to get back into my room now that I've straightened it up a bit. It's time to make some art!
And thank you sweet Nena for nominating me for this award!!
This is the way I feel about each and every one of you. You drop by to see what I'm up to ~ look at my photos and always leave the sweetest comments and encouragement for me.
Thank you all so very much.
I nominate every one of you . . .
you are all dolls!
Que de petits bonheurs au quotidien !
Winnie l'ourson, les boutons, le fil et tous les accessoires indispensable à la création ... un univers toujours poétique !
YOu have the most lovely treasures...when are you having us all for a visit in that amazing studio of yours??
Oh it looks so pretty and so organized. It reminds me of the book, Where Women Create, By Carolyn Westbrook -- I figure you have that one! These pictures should be in one of the new Victoria issues!
Here is the link:
ooowwww....I want to live in that room...just put me up a cot in the corner...and I would be happy for days on end...well, I would need the occasional glass of tea and maybe a sandwich or two! Thanks for sharing...your room inspires me AND makes me feel so bad that I haven't given enough attention to my "craft room"...right now it's kind of the "craft cave"...but after the wedding...I'm getting in there and doing some great things!!
I'll be using your post as inspiration!!
what a lovely space, very inspiring, thank you for showing.
Dawn it is Gorgeous!!! Funny I just posted about my little office too! I love your style is so vintagy and soothing and beautiful. It is so easy to keep packing things into our work spaces isn't it?? lol
lovin that mannequin! xo Heather
Oh such a delightful post showing all of your bits of this and that...and such lovely things you have too! I also have a son and have a large collection of old ballet shoes! Also have to say my love of string and old books has found kin with yours :) Thanks for sharing the pics.
I don't know what you think qualifies for a studio but I think you have one! I wouldn't want to leave it looks so inspiring.
Dawn, I love you art room and all your wonderful stuff. You deserve that award, you are a doll. Nita
Dawn, i LOVE your studio {yes, I insist on calling it that!} it is beautiful and inspiring!! your little paper~clay creations look so very sweet, how nice to be surrounded by such wonderful things when you work!! and just so you know, you have got my wheels turning about creating my own work space...i don't have an extra room {even a 10X10}...but i DO have a dining room that is rarely used...hmmmm...wait until my husband hears THIS :) wish me luck
a very nice crafting room. lots of fun things to make for sure. love what you did with the dictionary and egg images. very nice!
I had fun here today!
Story Book Blog
I love it!
Great pictures! So much inspiration. Love the inspiration board. Think I'm going to put something like it on my to-do-list!
Have a great week!
Dawn!!!! Why must you tempt me into running away and living in your studio? Think of my poor family! LOL!! I love everything!!!!!! Your book collection looks JUST like mine!! The more broken down and old the better:) Your things are lovely and I am sure you get so inspired in your art space. Thank you for sharing sweetie! Love, Jamie
I'm amazed that you have all of this in a 10x10 space. It's great!
Can I come and play in your studio?
Oh my heck! I LOVE it! I just went to an estate sale last Saturday and came home with string! Yes, just like the one you show - kind of a tree-shaped form. Loved it! Hubby said, "you bought STRING!?" LOL Thanks for sharing your little corner of the world!
Why oh why is every one else's work room so much more "arty" and dreamy than mine. I love it Dawn. All your little treasures are so precious and it's just such a wonderfuly inspiring room. Thank you for letting us take a peep. xxx
I've just turned into a pirate and I'm going treasure hunting!!! And you're quite the photgrapher, too.
I love it all!
Such a great post Dawn ~ all your little collectibles are wonderful & I especially love the pink ballet slippers :-} I can see why they are so special to you.
Just not enough hours in the day to do what we love!!
What a FUN artroom, Dawn! And YES! I saw that little bootie and thought, "I wonder if..." and when I read on, I saw that it is! (I made a little announcement about it on my blog today.) =)
You have such fun goodies. I love your inspiration board! I also LOVE LOVE LOVE those prints you made in the first photo. And I have a fascination with string too?!!? I bought several old string holders on ebay, and haven't done a thing with them, but I just love them! :)
Ambled into your site from a link elsewhere, and what a lovely space you are building. Thanks for all the lovely art and inspiration you are sharing with everyone, totally deserving the Doll award for all the eye candy and delightful images.
Oh Dawn!! Simply inspiring!! I want to come over and play!!!
On my best day I could never be as creative and sweet as you. My work space is sad- sad- sad and I have a new house. Wow- I better get busy. Love you-- joy
Thank you so very much for the tour. I was so motivated by your organized work space. Mine is a (creative) mess, I'm afraid.
Your studio looks wonderful, like a perfectly magical place to spend a day being creative.
Just beautiful Dawn! I'll have to find an egg graphic to make something like that for my collection of nests. Thank you for sharing all the lovely things in your home and for the wonderful inspiritation.
I love your space! So pretty! I love the mannequin. Everything looks so nicely put together! The little bear box is adorable! You do alot of different things. That's so nice. Thx for sharing, Dawn.
so much beaty in one house. wow!
I love your space. You've given me great inspiration for planning mine.
Beautiful photos!!! Love all your treasures! I have some of the same "stuff" in my studio...
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