I've been working at the soap shop all week long and even again today!
Thank you all so much for your sweet wishes and prayers for success,
we are slowly but surely getting more and more orders!!!!
I've been pouring, bagging and tying soap and we've all been working to fill big orders ~
The July Atlanta Merchandise Mart show started yesterday and runs though this weekend....
plus Brent is going downtown today to sell with our display in the showroom!
I miss visiting you all....and hope to be soon ~
hugs and love sweet friends,
Goodness you are a busy girl! Hope all goes well with the show. That soap would melt here in AZ, where it is going to be 116 balmy degrees this weekend. Stay cool and take care!
It'll be worth it in the end so hang on in there! Love the image with this post! x
Oh sweetie ,and I miss you, but know you are doing great, working in the family business, making it a great succes.
Again I wish you all ,lovely dayes, and many orders, in the Atlanta M.M. show.
The image is wonderfull, thanks,dear friend.
Hugs, and love--Dorthe
Dawn, well since you all are making soap...I think at the end of your long, exhausting days, you are going to deserve to take a bar of it and soak in a nice luxurious bath full of bubbles!
Best of luck to you and your family!
PS: LOVED THE LAMPSHADES in the magazine!!!!
Hugs and XXXX!
Good morning Dawn dear! Have fun in the soap shop...we are all waiting for you to come back!!! ANita
We miss you too sweet girl! But, we are happy that you are sharing your new journey with us. Still wishing you much success in the new business and I hope the sales are through the roof. Oh, this is for selfish reasons of course, then you can hire someone to pour, bag, and tag soap and we can have all to ourselves again :) A tad selfish I know but it is because we love you so!
Dawn - Your presence has definitely been missed, dear one! Hope you feel all the hugs sent your way. I love the picture above...it really relays what you must be feeling. I am planning on coming up for the Country Living Flea Market in October at Stone Mountain. Maybe I'll see you there??? Wouldn't that be fun?
Smiles, Carol xoxo
Oh goodness Miz Dawn,,,working is for the birds,,,I do wish you great big giant orders and lots of them!
Dear Dawn, Best of luck with your family's business, and be careful not to spread yourself too thin. We'll all be here, waiting to see what beautiful things you come up with next. Take care. Love, Penny
We miss you too! Lots of love to you, Dawn : ) Have fun in the soap shop! It sounds like a lot of fun, is it? I'm sure it also involves a lot of hard work.
Love and blessings to you,
May all these efforts equal much success! Don't you worry about catching up one little bit...
Hi, Dawn. Love the photo! Stop by sometime before July 31 and comment to enter my 700th post give-away. Good luck on your soap venture--just a side step until you get back to creating. You'll knock us dead with your beautiful art. Love the challenge piece.
Take it easy, and don't wear yourself out!
My dearest Dawn,
I tink you are clean enough now - you don't need no more soap, k?
Such a wonderful service you are performing for all of us who need soap to relax in a tub and wash away the dirt of weeding. :o) Thank you...
hi dawn,
i'm playing blog catch-up tonight, half-asleep, trying to visit as many friends as i can before ... zzzzzzz.
bloggin' ain't easy in summertime!
Well, I miss you, too!
But at least it's for a good reason, everybody wants your yummy soap! :-)
Love ya bunches!
Looks like we are all missing you
Hi Dawn! What is the name of your showroom? I'm going to be at the AmericasMart on Saturday and I'd love to visit your space there. This is my first time going as a buyer and I'm so excited! I hope I can find you or your husband there somehow. Hope you get some much needed rest soon! Take care! ~ Dianne
Hi Dawn! You are a busy lady...That pic looks like I sometimes feel! Good luck with your business venture...the soaps are really nice.
Stay cool! We'll be looking forward to your
Smiles and Blessings,
and how wonderful to be working in soap. Your hands are always clean and soft. Sea Witch
Dawn..I soooo understand busy...as life is so hectic here too...Hugs and best of eveything..and time for Clara kisses! Jalina Rose is getting Christened next Sunday...so this is a busy week..Hugs! Jane
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