I thought I'd add an extra little gift to my 1400th post giveaway
so now I can draw TWO names!!!
Please click HERE to comment to enter :)
The giveaway ends this evening (Wed., July 7) at 6 pm EST
The new goody?
Yes, one of the....PEAT pot nests!
so now I can draw TWO names!!!
Please click HERE to comment to enter :)
The giveaway ends this evening (Wed., July 7) at 6 pm EST
The new goody?
Yes, one of the....PEAT pot nests!

Rambling thoughts....
A little of this, a little of that...
It seems that's what my days consist of lately ~
nothing substantial but wanting to accomplish something :)
Do you have times like that?
My mind makes it even worse...
is feeling bad doing one thing because
I really should be doing another ~ crazy talk, I know.
nothing substantial but wanting to accomplish something :)
Do you have times like that?
My mind makes it even worse...
is feeling bad doing one thing because
I really should be doing another ~ crazy talk, I know.

I removed the keys from a broken typewriter I had....
now to decide what I want to do with these wonderful gems ~
Don't you love the graphics on them?
now to decide what I want to do with these wonderful gems ~
Don't you love the graphics on them?

And I'm also working on the invitations for my Mom and Dad's
50th Wedding Anniversary party next month ~
I wanted to make them myself but now that the number
of invitations has grown to over 75,
what was I thinkin'????
50th Wedding Anniversary party next month ~
I wanted to make them myself but now that the number
of invitations has grown to over 75,
what was I thinkin'????

I've always loved this photo of them.
Cutting the cake ~ both smiling so sweetly....
Excited about their life ahead.
Cutting the cake ~ both smiling so sweetly....
Excited about their life ahead.

Thank you always for stopping by to see me,
I hope you're having a wonderful week!!!
Wishing you a great Wednesday dear friends,
hugs and love,
I hope you're having a wonderful week!!!
Wishing you a great Wednesday dear friends,
hugs and love,
Happy White Wednesday Dawn!
Love the picture of your parents, what a treasure!
Your invitations are just beautiful, and the photo is precious! AND you know how much I love those little peat pots. Your nests are wonderful!!
i love your sweet peat pot nests- so very sweet.
What are you going to do with the type writer keys? I have some too, that I had my husband take off for me. I was thinking a charm bracelet. Love the photo of your parents, wow 50th anniversary. Florence
I think the invitations for your parents' anniversary party are wonderful and how special that you're making each one ~ I'm sure that will mean a lot to them.
The typewriter keys are fun. I can't wait to see what you do with them. Old things have so much character!
"nothing substantial but wanting to accomplish something".....sounds like my life these days as well. I hope you accomplish much today Dawn!
I really loved the photos of Clara. She looked like she was really enjoying herself! What a cutie!
Your invitations are adorable, Dawn, and the photo of your parents is so precious! Please come and meet Connie, and artist, on my post today, and I'm having a GIVEAWAY too! Hope you are doing well,friend! ~Lidy
My sister and I had owr parents 50th invitations printed, there was no way......not with all of the other preparations!! I admire you for doing it!
Hi Dawn,
ooh,your peat pot nest looks so yummy - love it.
That is so generous of you to add this to your giveaway.Love the typewriter keys as well.
I can see them in one of your creations to spell out Nest or bird. Can't wait to see what you do with them.Have a wonderful day,my friend.
Your invitations are so lovely and personal. Hmmm 5 at a time and you will be done. LOL
Great fun on the typewriter keys. Your little nest basket is fabulous. Happy creating...
Sweet Dawn,
oh your invitations looks so yummy, and the photo of your parents, real sweet--but well,a very big work in front of you.
And ofcourse I love the typewriter keyes, have big fun using them,sweetie.
Love you-hugs,Dorthe
What a pretty invitation, Dawn! I think it's time to call in some assistance to get 75 done!
I love the invitations so elegant
Oh my goodness, those cards are gorgeous! Your Parents are just precious:)
Love the typewriter keys... can't wait to see what you do with them!
Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!
Good morning Dawn. I am having those very same issues...doing one thing but feeling quilty because I know Ishould be doing other more productive things!
I LOVE the peat pot! Absolutely beautiful..also love the wonderful painting.
The invitation you've made for your parents anniversary is lovely!!! Perhaps if you broke it down and did so many a day...it wouldn't be as overwhelming. Wish I could come and assist you.
Love the typewriter keys.
wishing you a wonderful day!
Hugs, Doreen
Your cards are beautiful.. what a lovely photo..
Thanks for the give away.. so cool...
Those invitations are so pretty Dawn! And those typewriter keys...SWOON!! Thanks for showing your treasures. Smiles, Sally
Good morning, Dawn. I think I already entered, but just want to make sure. I love both of your treats so much! Also...the picture of the girl and her bird. How sweet is that? You are doing a wonderful job with the cards. The picture is a great idea. Thanks again for sharing!!
Hi Sweet girl,
Want those typewriter keys. I just LOVE the way the invitations are coming together. I zoomed up on the picture & they look so cool. The gold you used looks perfect. Love thier sweet picture too! You know I feel like you about the this & that thing. Lisa
I think we all feel that way at times, doing what we must while longing for what we wish we could be doing. I am experiencing a bit of that myself these days. I have so much else occupying my time that I have had no time to putter at my art making. You are doing a wonderful job of balancing the changes thrown your way with the new business, pitching in to watch Clara, and expanding your horizons with your artful adventures, don't sell yourself short. What a precious daughter to hand make all the invitations for your parents special celebration. They are beautiful, just like their daughter! I hope your day is one of bliss and joy sweet friend!
I love the invitations, what a keepsake not only for your Mom and Dad, but for their friends as well. Those typewriter keys are a treasure I look everywhere for typewriters like that and come up empty handed.
Good morning Dawn,
I so understand that first paragraph you wrote. It is exactly how I am feeling these days!
And it is very frustrating.
I think the worst part, is the constant pulling of my mind to the things I should do, and do not want to, because I would rather be creating, hanging out with my folks, grand kids, friends, just free of the list of things there are to do.
Yesterday, when i was on my morning walk, STOP, came into my mind. STOP taking on one more thing, one more unimportant thing as far as the scheme of life goes. It is the people, and peace of mind that are important.
OOPS! crazy rambling.
Love you,
barbara jean
The invitations are so pretty!
Alrighty Dawn...
Let's just cut to the chase.
Send ME the giveaway prize and let's save everyone some time and misery...okay? ;)
I'll be back at 7 sharp this evening to claim my prize!
tee hee!!!!
I'm sure you'll make something super spectacular with those old typewriter keys and we'll be wanting to pull the keys off of all our typewriters and keyboards whether they are old or new! haha
(you have that influence on us girl!)
The cards for your parent's anniversary are gorgeous. I have no doubt you'll meet the quota in such a classy artistic "Dawn" fashion and be on time too! What a celebration...you're a lucky girl to have them together for this long :)
And Girl, you need to add the gorgeous cover of the New Somerset Life to your side bar accolades!!!! (did i spell that right?) The article and photos were FABULOUS!!!!
So put that on your list of things you should be doing and get 'er done!
Dang this comment is long.
Rose must me rubbing off on me! I love her!!!!
I'll be back at 7~
waiting to see my name in lights.
hi dawn,
the invitation is lovely!
i hope to mail your prize this week. sorry it's a bit late -- very busy keeping the boys busy!
Hi Dawn, That burning a candle at both ends thing can really wear on ya can't it?? Hang in there! Love the keys and your parent's invites are that much more special cuz you're making them ~ They are beautiful!! Julie
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