The winner of my herbarium box is Colleen of Main Street Memories
The winner of the nest peat pot is Tammy of A Primitive Place!!!!!
Thank you all so much for your sweet comments and
helping me celebrate!!!!!
hugs and love,
The winner of the nest peat pot is Tammy of A Primitive Place!!!!!
Thank you all so much for your sweet comments and
helping me celebrate!!!!!
hugs and love,
Congratulations, Girls! Thanks again, Dawn for the chance to win one of your fabulous, generous giveaways! Blessings, Donna
Congratulations to Colleen & Tammy!
Dawn ~ I love today's image. It's so beautiful.
Congratulations to you lucky winners. This was a fabulous giveaway Dawn and your art is inspiring. Happy creating...
Congrats girlitas! Thank you again Dawn for the wonderful opportunities you give us! xoxo Andy
Congratualtions Ladies!!!! Thank-you Dawn for offering such wonderful prizes!!
Many Blessings~Judy
uh uh.
no no.
no ma'am.
not fair.
we had a deal Dawn!
you must have not read my comment yesterday.
you better go back and check it, refresh your memory.
thought we were going close the giveaway early and you were going to send everything to me...JODIE!
Alrighty then.
Mom always taught me to be nice...I'll try.
CONGRATULATIONS TAMMY AND COLLEEN ~ you lucky girls!!!!! :))))
And Dawn, we need to work on our comprehension skills here. I'll try to make myself a little more clearer next time, okay ;)
Girl, have a good weekend!!!!
I still love you!!!!
(even though you don't listen very well)
dang...i hope everyone knows i'm just joking right???? ;)
I am thrilled to have won!!!
Thank you so very much!!!!
Thanks for offering such a generous giveaway, Dawn, and congrats to the winners!
Congratulations to the lucky winners!!!
Big Congrats to the winners! Anyone who wins a piece of Dawn's art is very lucky indeed!
Congrats to the winners - anyone who wins a creation from Dawn is lucky indeed!
Congratulations to the winners!!
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