THANK YOU ALL SO, SO MUCH!!! What a sweet response to the fairy jar! You do know that when you leave such kind, sweet comments you are fanning my creative fire, don't you? I appreciate each and every one so very much ~ I love to make things and inspire you to create, too!
As an artist I've found that I look at things a bit differently, especially packaging. See the photo below? It was a box that held two beautiful soaps. I opened them and placed them in our bathroom and looked at the pretty shred. Knowing I wanted to do the jar fairy, I thought to myself, "wouldn't this make pretty fairy grass around her feet?"
When I find a nice piece of cardboard in a package of new sheets, I pull it out and stare at it . . . hmmmm, a sturdy backing for a project! I keep it grouped together in my artroom so I can grab a piece when I need it.
So be sure you don't toss a wonderful art supply just because it wasn't sold as one, you can turn it into a neat component in your next art piece!
Remember the pottery Dutch shoes? Well the same technique was used to make this into a pincushion that I used with the baby shoes and ballet shoes in Somerset Life. Don't forget, the summer issue of Somerset Life should hit the newstands the first of this coming week!!!

I'll put this pincushion in my Etsy store a little later on today
Thank you again for your wonderful comments on my jar fairy! Wishing you a great Saturday ~
xxoo, Dawn