Not that I'm the most organized person in the world BUT I do love magazines (as well as books). They give me amazing inspiration and I've loved them since I was a teenager! What do you do with all of them though? I finally had to break down and begin slicing pages of my most favorite ideas, looks, paint techniques, etc. and I slipped them into protective page covers. I placed them in notebooks and then, guess what I have? The. most. amazing. magazine. EVER!!

These notebooks are like sitting down with a magazine chock full of everything that I love. My taste, my colors ~ great ideas that I don't want to forget about. Funny thing is though, I have about twelve of them now!!! What I really need to do is take them all, remove the plastic pages and organize them by content.

Especially if you are about to redecorate or re-do a room. Start looking through magazines for ideas you love, looks you love and put them all together in a notebook. Then you can take it to the store with you when you are looking for specific items. Your idea notebook will guide you into getting the look that you love!

Don't worry though, I can't cut up some magazines. They are too treasured and will just have to go to the grave with me!! So, sit down in the evening with your exacto knife (be careful!) and slice away, slip into protective sheet covers and begin building your most favorite magazine to enjoy!
I've just finished some wonderful projects that I am about to bust to show you but I can't. I know that just makes you want to thump me in the head but you will see them one of these days, hopefully in print!!!
Have a great Wednesday sweet friends ~ xxoo, Dawn