A peek at one of my work tables....ugh!!!
It's just awful, I know....but so many ideas are flying around in my head
and I have just dumped everything here!

Gorgeous stamp to use on our tags in the antique mall ~

On the ironing board even ~ A nest my mother-in-law gathered for me....she SO gets me!!

Little baskets that I found on clearance at Hob Lob
to place a few wrapped soaps inside ~

Now....a peek at some of our finds for the new space.....
an amazing old scale ~ a little rusty but who cares?

An old clothespin bag ~ just like we love.....and look at the graphics on the old bottle!

Rustic baskets, simple cabinets...

I love clocks....the graphics of clocks....or anything having to do with them!!

Gorgeous old picnic basket, old metal lunch box, wonderful apothecary jars....

Lamps created from old posts....
wouldn't they look wonderful with shades with old handwriting on them?
How can I make that happen.....we'll see...

Wonderful old galvanized buckets that will perfect for spring plantings ~

More clock graphics....yes, they are busted ~
they have no hands or motor but who cares?
Aren't they lovely?
Oh yes, and a minnow bucket too!

A cool stand that won't be for sale but will display cards and other goodies for sale ~

Old industrial containers that would be perfect to plant herbs inside ~

So there you go! A little peek at what we've gathered so far!
I want to incorporate nests, eggs and other natural elements into our "look" ~
I have to share with you a beautiful jar that Kerry of
Farmlass created!!!
I'm in love with it ~
Kerry calls it "Spring in a Jar"....PERFECT!!!

Thank you ALWAYS for stopping by here....
for saying hello and for caring about what I'm up to!
Wishing you a wonderful Monday sweet friends ~
Take a little time to do what you love....
hugs and love,