Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Sometimes, changes are a good thing!!!


There have been so many changes in the last three years that have been challenging.

I've been fighting sadness daily.

Truthfully, I'm so ready for a wonderful change.

Well, it's happening!

Our son Brad is moving in with us to help us in every way possible


We have rented a space very close by to sell our goodies together! 

(That's Brad above...such a happy child!!!)

Here are a few photos of it now, we just moved in this past weekend.

The funny thing? Brad and I have always been collectors and gatherers

of all things wonderful!

With him moving in with us it makes me edit my things and he's editing as well!

He sells on Etsy and eBay and he inspires me to do the same!

We will see what I can accomplish!

It's amazing how your kids can inspire you and give you energy

to get going to do what you love!

Hugs and love,


Friday, August 9, 2024

It's been awhile but I'm okay, I think.

 I have to admit it.
Real life is not always pretty.
It can be, of course but
I've finally realized that it's not and
can't be all of the time.

Yes, our family has experienced hard times,
trials and tribulations as everyone does.
But it seems like it took me until my mama passed away
that this degree of loss can happen to my family too.
I've been trying so hard to break this feeling of doom.
But I guess I've finally realized that
grief never really goes away.
We try to live with it but sometimes,
some days,
a wave hits us and the hurt is as fresh as ever.
I think it's because of our true love
for those who have gone before us.
It's just love.

It's been almost a year now since I've posted here
but that doesn't mean I don't love sharing.

I'll share a few photos from this past year
but haven't really accomplished much...
I'm just trying to get my groove back is all!

Swimming a bit last August before closing the pool!

Making boutonnieres for our son Chase and his wife Ashley's wedding.

Junking for frames to create artwork for our home.

Freshening up our front door!

October....Chase and Ashley's beautiful wedding.

I actually made and sold a few faux birds nests...I loved it!

Christmas time!

Repurposing one of my mama's frames for a print that
I purchased the digital on Etsy.
I had it printed in a local print shop and framed it!

More junkin' finds!

New plants for spring.

Opened the pool this past May!

Redecorating the small guest room/office to be
ONLY an office now!

Decorating our master guest suite has been so much fun for me!

Now I'm creating a sewing room from our old den.
It will give me so much more room in the studio too!!!

This is basically my year in pictures.
I'm just plugging along and loving my precious family!
I so hope to post again soon...

Thank you so much for visiting me,
Hugs and love always,

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Just sharing a little goodness ~


How precious is this sweet little girl?

I found her online and had to share her with you!

My son gave me this wonderful framed poppy print

but it wasn't quite my style.

He didn't care if I altered it,

so I decided to change it up just a little bit.

I had a few more very old herbarium sheets that I hadn't framed so

I covered a piece of cardboard with some lovely fabric

that would coordinate with them first.

Then I placed them as best I could.

I don't know, I would have rather not have them overlap but oh well,

I wanted to include them all.

I also spray painted the frame a pale bronze color.

I really love it now!!!!

I hung it in our den over the desk.
These pages are from 1898 and should be displayed.
Not tucked away in a drawer.

We opened our pool in May but look how AWFUL it was!

Thank goodness our son Brent, his wife Emily

and our son Noah helped us.

After a good scrubbing, tons of chemicals it is wonderful now!

It has been so, so terribly hot here in middle Georgia this summer.

We're all so thankful to have this pool to cool down!

I scrounged around our house this summer

and found TONS more frames so I proceeded

to print out so many more images that I love.

Now to find places to put them all!

I had a fun junkin' day with our son Brad

and found these beautiful treasures!!!

I'll be making a couple of floral arrangements

in those birch bark cones. Maybe to go in our new guest bedroom.

Just look at that yummy antique lace!!!

I've been working on decorating our master guest room too.

I still want to add SO much more artwork.

It really is a work in progress.

Oh...and I had my left hip replaced June 20th

and I can't EVEN believe

how much better I can walk now without pain!

Hopefully now I can get back to making something pretty.

It's been a rough couple of years for me.

I hope you are doing so good.

This year is flying by!!!

Be sure to cherish each and every moment

with those you love.

Thank you always for visiting me here!

Hugs and love,



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