Friday, August 30, 2013

Feeling blessed this day ~

Sometimes we have days that simply beat us down.
I mean it.
They drain our spirit dry and squash our hope flat.

But then there are the other days...
those days that we finally realize
that we are not in control,
(even though we'd like to think we are)
and then something beautiful happens.

We see that our precious Lord above
is always, always on our side.
That He cares for us,
He listens to our prayers and
knows our needs.

Today I feel blessed and so very thankful....

Wishing you a beautiful Friday and weekend dear friends!!!
hugs and love,

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Almost finished...

I started on a few new lavender sachets,
and even used some different fabric for a change!
I almost, almost finished them but just had to stop ~
sleep was calling my name :)

These all measure approximately 5" x 7" ~ totally filled with fragrant lavender buds.
I just love how my studio smells when I make sachets ~

They are finished...YAAAY!!
I just added these little pretties to my Etsy store:

Thank you always for stopping by to see what I'm doing dear friends!!!
Happy Thursday,
hugs and love,

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Think on these things ~

A simple post for today...

Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday precious friends,
hugs and love,

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

On the verge of creativity ~

Sometimes...just sometimes, it takes a little while
to get your creativity flowing again.

It seems to me that the regular ol' life stuff
always tries to choke it out of you.
But guess what?
It simply can't.

When you are creative it's like a constant
flowing stream that continues on,
no matter what.

Yes, you will have lulls...
and times where it's just not going to happen.
But it will always, always keep flowing.
Through your mind and soul ~

I sometimes have to even look at what I've created in the past
to realize what I love.
I especially love looking at my Pinterest board
that features so many beautiful art pieces from other artists...
it is such wonderful inspiration!

And then sometimes...
it just takes getting started.
Moving supplies around,
looking at the beautiful things you have gathered and
just starting SOMETHING.
Even if it's so very simple...

I just purchased a brand new bag of lavender
and have pulled out some fabric...

And guess what sweet friends...
you're not going to believe this ~
But in about two weeks,
this angel grandson of ours will be turning ONE!!
Oh sweet baby Murray!
Where did the time go??

Wishing you a beautiful Tuesday dear friends,
hugs and love,

Saturday, August 24, 2013

If you love Downton Abbey, you are going to love this book!!!

Right now a unique debut novel,
Born of Persuasion
is releasing from Tyndale House Publishers!
And already it's been embraced by Downton Abbey lovers,
launching it onto Amazon bestseller lists
twice before it even released.

Here's a little blurb from the book:

The year is 1838, and seventeen-year-old Julia Elliston’s position
has never been more fragile.
Orphaned and unmarried in a time when women are legal property of their fathers,
husbands, and guardians, she finds herself at the mercy of an anonymous guardian
who plans to establish her as a servant in far-off Scotland.

With two months to devise a better plan,
Julia’s first choice to marry her childhood sweetheart is denied.
But when a titled dowager offers to introduce Julia into society,
a realm of possibilities opens. However, treachery and deception are as much a part
of Victorian society as titles and decorum, and Julia quickly discovers her present
is deeply entangled with her mother’s mysterious past.
Before she knows what’s happening, Julia finds herself a pawn in a deadly game 
between two of the country’s most powerful men.
With no laws to protect her, she must unravel the secrets on her own.
But sometimes truth is elusive and knowledge is deadly.

31-Days of Giveaway

I'm giving away THREE of my tutorials to one lucky winner
in celebration of Jessica's wonderful book!!!!
I JUST finished it and absolutely LOVED IT!
I can't wait for the next book in the trilogy.....

Simply enter the giveaway below!

Happy weekend precious friends,
hugs and love,

Friday, August 23, 2013

Just so you know...

When I'm not making stuff here in my studio ~
I'm staying busy making soap!!!
I'm cleaning, finishing, packaging and getting soap
ready to go out our door.

And I am happy to report...
our sales have been GREAT!!!
And I am so, so very thankful ~

We have learned so much in just a few months.
So many different color formulas...
and how to make our product be the best it can be.

If you're having a shower,
bridal or baby,
we can create beautiful egg soap
for you to use as favors in the color that
is PERFECT for your event!

Just check out our Etsy store
and convo us about your needs ~
we will be happy to create something
absolutely beautiful for you!!!

Wishing you a wonderful Friday dear friends!!!
hugs and love,

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dreaming of fall...

I can't help myself...I just love fall!
Do you call it Autumn?
I guess being from the south, fall is what it is for us here ~

We've had cooler than normal temperatures here in GA lately.
The highs were even in the seventies last week and this is only August!
But with fall being my very favorite time of the year
it has made me think of the beauty of the season.

The gorgeous leaves...the cooler temps...
and so many precious memories that pile up in my mind.
Do you have a season of the year that brings back
wonderful memories in your life??
Fall is that wonderful time for me.

August is now almost gone...and just how did that happen?
Seems we simply blink and a month has passed by!
Fall is such a brief season here so I will begin to enjoy it now
before it even arrives.

Wishing you a wonderful Thursday sweet friends,
hugs and love,

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

One last angel for now...

I just finished my last angel for now ~
it's time to move on to something different.
What that will be, I don't quite know!
But I wanted to share this sweet girl with you...
she is already sold but still wanted you to see her.

I've used another baby/doll dress ~
I'm not sure which it was, I think doll though.
Gorgeous old millinery flowers adorn her waist
and of course seam binding!

A fragment of an old rhinestone earring for a necklace pendant.

The wings as I embellished them...

And you're just not going to believe this...
Our little Murray turned 11 months old yesterday!!!
He's such a sweet boy...he's getting around so good, dragging himself all over the place,
sitting up and he's starting to pull up as well.
He'll even raise up on his hands and feet like he's doing push ups!

I hope you have a great Tuesday dear friends!!
hugs and love,

Monday, August 19, 2013

Feeling blessed ~

Hi sweet friends!!!
I'm so sorry I missed a few blogging days last week
but my mom and dad came to visit us last Wednesday and
We had not seen them since Christmas!!

They are so precious...they live in the North Georgia mountains
and had some friends on their street selling their mountain home
(their friends live in Myrtle Beach, SC)
and since they didn't visit their mountain home much....
well, they had brand, spankin' new leather La-Z-Boy furniture
they needed to get rid of and my precious parents bought it for us!!!!
At about 90% OFF!

So they delivered it to us last week and we are in HEAVEN now!
How blessed are we to have my sweet mama and daddy
always keeping us in mind ~

OH! And she also brought me a bundle of lace and
a teeny found nest...does she know me or what?

I'm working on one last tattered angel for a friend...
and will soon be moving on to something new ~
But you know I'll be sure to share her as soon as she's finished!

Until then...a few beautiful images for you ~

Wishing you a beautiful Monday precious friends!!!
hugs and love,

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thinking of you ~

Hi sweet friends....
I just wanted to pop in and say hello!
I promise, I'm still here but
my parents have come to visit us for a few days
and we are enjoying our time together!

Wishing you a beautiful Thursday dear friends!
hugs and love,


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